24/10/2018 - Login Issues - [RESOLVED]

Are BDO servers up? Asking for a friend… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

NPCs are like “OMG, we actually took one of their ships out,sir!! Reports are coming in: so did other fleets!!”


Same here DC’d while mission running… with bastion active. Hope I don’t lose my ship to the crap.

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and as i look at the launcher hunderds of ppl keep getting kicked off

Ships are dropping like Bad Habits.

literally same boat! haha.

I was about to take my Domi to a Crimson SIte, glad its still in station

Can’t login

even capsules are ded meat omegalul

I was connected fine, until I logged out to switch characters and saw the message. xD

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working as intended

Derp! :rofl:

cheer up CCP at least its not an abyss event

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I was about to send out an Orca. Got lucky,. It’s outside the station…:))

i guess this is what happens when you get a bunch of people still drunk from Eve Vegas to all try to log in at once.

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I think the issue is easily solved with a server reset to before the drop happened for everyone. I mean its done in other games enmass, why cant the other they do it?
I was on 2 accnts doing things…

So many capsules on zkill …

Test-team? What test-team? The test-team is either non-existant, or gets the whip from the upper management to “just say its OK” so hard, that it cant work properly. I cant think of another explanation for most of the issues we re experiencing.

Houston We Do Not Have Contact

Was just buying $1000 worth of plex got disconnected .ooh well never mind then.

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