24 bullet points? (WIP)

Imo they completely misdiagnosed the problem. They kept changing the game for worse in one way or the other, and players left, then they decided to implement this free to play feature which is not free to play at all btw, because they thought people were leaving just because of the subcription required. But its a joke when you think about it. Imagine someone who played the game for years, you think he is going to be ok im going continue playing but only without omega game time. Of course he isnt. Hes just going to cancel his subscription and play another game! So it was because the game kept changing for the worse in one way or the other. And the way they implemented ā€œfree to playā€ which is not free to play at all, also made the game worse. Peak online player count is in a consistent downtrend year over year. They misdiagnosed the problem. Requiring a subcription is not the problem, its that the game keeps changing for the worse.

  1. Vitals -You are living in a pod, but is everything is ok? Do you still get stressed during encounters? Do you get lonely? This is an area that can be expanded upon if done properly
  2. Stargate aimed at stars and not other stargates. When you use them you land in a random spot near the target star.
  3. Commodity based currency and actual banks and custodians that can be extorted/protected, Pyerite/Trit transports that settle balances between banks and custodians that can be robbed/protected etc. Why are Pilots with -10.0 security rating allowed to use ISK? Why dont they just turn off their wallet? Lots of room to expand here. With pirate currencies and what not
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Point #17 is a great idea

Zero of those games are MMORPGsā€¦

ā€“Helpful Gadget

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And?? Are MMORPGs not supposed to have hundreds of thousands of players?

MOBA & MMORPG is like comparing apples and oranges. They dont play the same or anything.

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And?? You know you are just making excuses right?

You cant ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  compare the top free MOBA games to a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  mmprpg. They arent the ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  same thing

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You are just making excuses

How exactly is an mmorpg like a moba

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lolā€¦ geoā€¦ plazid is trolling. donā€™t feed him.

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Says who, my little sealion?

They have enough to keep the game profitable.
Just like any niche businessā€¦

My turn for a question.
When did you actual play EvE? By year is fine - I donā€™t want too much personal information, but do include breaks.

ā€“Inquisitive Gadget

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Why do you ask?

That would be fine if you could only take stargates one way, but you can take them both ways, so that doesnā€™t make sense to only have one side

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