25M SP Carrier Niddy / Transport Pilot

My master has chosen to sell me.

My Info: Antarium Laidai

Positive Wallet

Positive Sec Status

No Kill Rights for or against.

All other CCP Rules apply.

Character is in NPC Corp, please give time for the SkillBoard to refresh.

Thank you.

Start: 14 Bil

B/O: 18 Bil

14 bil right here and now. Ready to send isk


Willing to buy Gunner Suzy & Antarium_Laidai if you are the same seller. Both for 46B. Contact me if interested


Offer accepted from Kazim Please send isk and account info.

ISK and account info sent just now

Isk and account info received. Will be transferring as soon as your account becomes available.

That would be ETA 10 hours from now. Will you be able to send it then?

Approximately yes…I will do it first thing in the am when I get up. Which is right around that time.

account is now ready for the transfer

Account transfer initiated. Please confirm receipt of transfer email. Thanks again.

I confirm receipt of transfer email. Thank you

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