3 Minute Warp Timer - Not Having It Is An Exploit/Avoiding Sentry Guns Is The Same As Avoiding Concord

Well it was a reponse to Dryson because he labled miners as a cultural group. If that was the case it would be the same for gankers. That is of course all nonsense.

Because if it was true then what I said would actually be true and you can check yourself by thinking about what you would feel if you encountered a group named anti-“insert some RL minority”.

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Generalising anything you may think of or say about Dyson to any collective he may be part of is a really bad idea… Just imagine for a moment that there was someone else like him that happened to be a ganker posting here and anti-gankers talked about gankers in general as if they were all like him… :smile:

And this is exactly the distinction I’m trying to make clear. Being anti-something IRL is NOT the same as being anti-something in game. You cannot infer hate in the second case just because you might infer it in the first.

Turns out precisely in the particular case of anti-gankers many of them ARE driven by anger and hate, which complicates matters, but this is circumstantial, not always the case and not implied by the use of “anti-” to describe what they do.

Idk about that, being anti-idiots in game or irl pretty much is the same lol

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Yeah, well, jokes aside, being in game anti-some collective that also exists IRL could imply hate, indeed, but not what I’m talking about.

So easy to draw the CODE out so that everyone is able to see their attention starved and attention needing deficit…so easy…like pouring pie filling into a pie crust.

Attention starved is creating a hundred different threads about CODE, ganking, and bumping. That’s you, by the way…


You have a little baby drivel running down your chin…the nurses are gonna like you at the Old and Retired Capsuleer Community Retirement Home QuakeGod…such a cute little thing…

The main message of this thread really is that anti-ganking is just too bad at EVE to stop freighter ganks so CCP has to step in and change the game.

It is at the same time a testament to the constant faling of anti-ganking and a monument to the elite PvP skills of our glorious always victorious CODE. Freighter gankers.

Praise James!


There is nothing elite about CODE.

Why doesn’t CODE go into Null looking for Bots to destroy?

You are also calling CCP a failure when you say that AG isn’t able to stop the tumult of Bot-Aspirant Clones that CODE is comprised of.

The problem is that CODE can’t PvP…that’s why you have large gank fleets.

Go into Low or Null on a roam sometime with your main characters sometime. Won’t happen will it?

we just need a look at your recent kb to confirm you’re saying bs :joy:


Dryson, you’re a ganker yourself. Zkillboard has it right on your last kills.

Tut. Tut.

Are you like one of those people that lashes out at a minority group, while secretly being part of that same group?

Like, the Alex Jones of Eve.


You consider destroying bots a “gank”? :thinking: The tag on zkill means nothing, as it is not applied consistently as the algorithm is not good enough. Clearly visible on the Avatar, which is his last kill and is not a “gank” for some reason, while the Hels before it were “ganks”.

Scipio again relying on “data”, it’s just as adorable to watch as Dryson himself.

Maybe it needed a /s so even the fools could understand


That was from the event the other day where CCP pulled bots from Null into High Sec and then gave us the go ahead to destroy them as punishment for being bots.

Still running your tracking logarithm? (Like, the Alex Jones of Eve.)

Once again you were in a T2 ship I was in a T1 ship. You followed me into Low sec and attacked first. I fought back but a TI should never defeat a T2 ship.

So your continually victory staving is rather irrelevant other than to try and make me pay for a sub to get my Omega status back that you can then gloat over by saying that you brought CCP X amount of dollars which in your mind and your mind only, puts you above someone else.

Why doesn’t this whole lot get a Null Fleet Roam going this weekend and roam around Null space and test how “elite” you really aren’t.

Why don’t you turn -10 in high sec and fight me instead? =^_^=

If you are so highly skilled, why does what happens in HS even matter to you?

if you’re being bumped into station geometry, just dock up?

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