38m SP Capital industrial (rorqual) /Orca-Porpoise/ Miner / Freighter Pilot (Amarr dreadnaught starter)

30b Offer noted…
48hrs starts now, if there are no other bids it is yours

Bump !!


I’ll add to 30b

I see your 30 B offer… 48 hours starts now if no other bidders we will have a deal

635 Am est Jan 9th


time limit reached bro, can we proceed?

yes it has, She is yours

Please send Isk and account name to her And I will commence transfer

isk and account name sent

Isk Recieved, Character Transfer Commenced, Random Suckslave is no longer visible on my account, expect Usual 10 hour hold before recieving the transfered Character…

Good luck in future endeavors I hope she is as good to you as she was for me

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