43MIL player returning and looking Rens based (+10 jumps) PVE ORG

Came back a week a go and i’m looking for ORG base in Rens market or max 5 ish jumps from it. Reson for this is that i have massive amounts of property here and hauling them to some far-away part of glaxy is a big nono.

I have 43Mil points on me and i do all activities in EvE when i want to. Mainly LVL4, Mining, WH trips , combat anoms etc.

I would like to have ORG for the lower taxes and a chat and when i see peoples gather to do something together i usually chip in and have the ships+skills ready for it, but in times i might be quite the hermit and just play my “own game”.

This last part is the saddest but here it goes:

I will only come to Vent when its absolutely needed (war, fleets, bigger org operations).

I have been in few org’s where they force me to sit in Comm’s all day babysitting trespassers or something like that, this is not for me i’m not interested in it. And i will not listen 4 hours some random “funny” ■■■■ talk show on vent. I will gladly join Fleets in comms , but i wont hang around in there just for the sake of it.

I will gladly contribute to the org with my tax and joining different org activities. So if you need another tax payer or fleet member hit me up. I’m low maintenance since i’m already well established my activities.

What im looking from org: Low tax & easy going atmosphere around Rens, thats all.

I live in EU timezone.

hey here a other buddy lets make contect and see what we can do :smiley:

You Are Welcome With us :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for reply , but its way too far from Rens.

Fly safe!

We are a Nullsec corp based in Querious/Catch under the Dracarys Alliance.


Daily R64 Moons

Plenty of Anomalies for Ratting/Exploration

Daily fleets

Jump Freight Service direct from Jita.


10mil SP minimum

Participate in 3 Fleets a month (Roams, OPs, CTAs)

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