Didn’t he just pay back 500bil to his investors?
Yep. I’d still like to see most of it paid back before i would invest with enorn as 3rd party, though. Just a thought about choosing 3rd parties.
Surely if he was going to scam, he would’ve when he had the whole 1T uncollat and before making interest payments, not after a few months when he’s only got 500B uncollat and 250B of my 3rd partied loan.
well yeah, but we don’t know what other transactions he’s 3rd partying. i’m sure you can find other big investors with that bump in interest rates anyway.
I have the same concerns tbh, i’d jump on this if it wasn’t ENorm handling the colat.
250B received from ENorn and collat exchanged
EvePick3, how much would you invest? If there’s a will, there’s a way.
If you’re alright with collateral held with me I might be up for 10b. I’m sure it’ll be a lot more convenient for you to just deal with a few (or one) big investors/3rd parties though.
I can do 40b right now, could push it to 50b but it would take a day or two to liquidate some old stuff
If your prepared to let me hold the collateral ill do 200b @2.5%
I want the 200b loan, but I’m not comfortable with directly exchanging appreciating collateral
Ok so how about we do this… i require 100% collateral and as it appreciates over that, the “increased” value the can be drawn on in the way of interest payments each month.
For example you contract me 200b worth of collateral. After the first month we agree the value has increased 5b. You can then keep hold of the interest payment of 5b and your new loan figure would be 205b against the collateral. The following month interest would be paid on the 205b and so on… rinse and repeat.
Let me finish working on this school project, but in general, I’d prefer going with the simplest solution.
That’s cool, its your prerogative.
Alright, investment period has ended, I’m about to edit the OP to reflect that.
I sent 6 days’ worth of interest to Styx Saken (0.3bil) and Lord Hook (1.2bil) to catch things up to the 1st of the month.
Payment for December will be sent next month, and I will also discuss buying back some of the principal then.
I confirm receipt of 300 M interest for the last week of November.
Alright, so I actually want another 400bil of loans.
noobs market orders, are you still willing to do a collat loan with Chribba as the 3rd party?
I can fill 50B of the additional loan request, interest 3% max 3 months, if 3rd party is Chribba.
I can chip in 50b as well
1.2 bil received ty
i have the isk ready and waiting. ill send once chribba confirms receipt of 200b of collat.