500 Internal Server Error

Hello, everyone!

I am having an ongoing issue with the ESI.

I am receiving this error:

“Auth encountered an error processing your request, please try again. If the error persists, please contact the administrators. (500 Internal Server Error)”

I’ve cleared my cashe, restarted computer, etc. Still no fix.

This has been going on since Friday 1/2/24.

Any ideas or recommendations to resolve this issue?

Where exactly do you see this error? Which of the CCP websites is affected?

Hello and thanks for the response!

The specific site is: Login - Rogue Auth

This is not a CCP website, so if you have any questions you should contact the administrator of the site - or, if you are the administrator yourself, you can get help with this authorization system at the following locations:

Official Discord from the Developers: Alliance Auth

Thread will be moved to Third Party Developers - EVE Online Forums


Thanks for the information and I apologize I didn’t notice that. But I appreciate the help!


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