500 Million ISK grants available - Carryover

Hey guys. I’ve decided to be less negative and stop shaming every scam that comes along… Never mind, I’ll still do that. However, to make up for it, I’ll be giving away chunks of 500 million ISK to newer players to use for their industry ventures. I have enough ISK to fund many people so don’t worry if someone posted ahead of you. I realize people will try to game the system. I will do my best to catch you and call you out. Its one of the reasons I am asking for an API.

Note: This was completely the idea of Jerry T Pepridge and I’m pretty much just copying it for a good cause.

Below will be an application template to see how it works.
Can you provide an API either privately or publicly?
How did you discover Market Discussions?
How long have you been playing Eve?
Do you know about the SCC-Lounge ingame channel where everyone hangs out and I ask stupid algebraic questions?
What was the original reason you started playing Eve?
What did you end up doing in Eve?
What do you plan to do with the ISK I’m providing? This answer needs to be enlightening and in paragraph format. It needs to enlighten me of what exactly you are doing with my ISK. Any lazy attempts will be treated as such.

Approved grants will be paid almost every day!

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What is Nav?

If you’re rich enough to afford this, why ask for donations at the end? Even less obvious scams don’t outright ask for money at the same time as promise to give it away…

What is Nav?

NAV is Net Asset Value. Basically all the ISK you have + the ISK value of the assets you have. If I have a 50 billion ship and 100 billion ISK my NAV would be ~150 billion ISK.

If you’re rich enough to afford this, why ask for donations at the end? Even less obvious scams don’t outright ask for money at the same time as promise to give it away.

Yeah, I’ll remove that part. It was a carryover from Jerry’s post which I may or may not have used Ctrl-C on. :slight_smile:

Name?: Bandos Omega
Nav?: About 7mil.
Can you provide an API either privately or publicly? Privately, sure.
How did you discover Market Discussions? Was just browsing the forums for fun.
How long have you been playing Eve? My current toon was an alt made in 2009, I played for a few months, sold my main toon and gave away the isk to my corp since I just didn’t have the time and just recently came back a few days ago.
Do you know about the SCC-Lounge ingame channel where everyone hangs out and I ask stupid algebraic questions? I do not.
What was the original reason you started playing Eve? I came back now to have something fun to do with my freetime with progress that has some value (unlike single-player games).
What did you end up doing in Eve? I’ve been doing L1 missions right now and training some basic skills to get into a Vexor.
What do you plan to do with the ISK I’m providing? Going to keep doing what I’m doing and do some missions and eventually some ratting. Hopefully I’ll find a cool corporation soon. Long term I want to get into an Ishtar, probably settle in low or null sec. The isk will help get started and fund all the ships and fittings along the way.


Name?: Tom Forager
Nav?: I don’t know what this means
Can you provide an API either privately or publicly? I can provide an EvE Board link.
How did you discover Market Discussions? I was browsing the forums randomly.
How long have you been playing Eve? I played for a few months in 2013 and stopped shortly after, then started a few months ago again.
Do you know about the SCC-Lounge ingame channel where everyone hangs out and I ask stupid algebraic questions? I do not.
What was the original reason you started playing Eve? I wanted to play a game that was different to others, and EVE seemed to provide that. It did, though I fizzled out when I originally started since I didn’t enjoy FW.
What did you end up doing in Eve? I joined Horde, left, then joined BRAVE, and grew some nullsec balls for a few months. Would recommend BRAVE a lot. I then started roaming with explo quite a lot, and dipping into wormholes. I wanted to continue doing this but BRAVE is not really that sort of place, so I sold everything, joined Signal Cartel, and moved into the first wormhole I found.
What do you plan to do with the ISK I’m providing? I will use it to fund more time floating through wormholes doing exploration and aiding other players in finding their own lost stuff. I typically lose an Astero every once-in-a-while, though often have made enough to replace it by then. The ISK will keep me going for longer since I don’t really do much other than explore and help people. I don’t ‘live’ anywhere, so I log off in a wormhole and that’s where I live for the night, then hop more holes and poke into known-space.

I’m extremely suspicious of this project. Most offers of this kind are designed to attract more donations from rich helpful players than is actually ever given out. Usually just a few will be payed out (often alts anyway) and nobody realizes the OP received billions in donations for “being such a good guy”.

As fuel for my flame, i notice that 5 months ago (not long in EvE terms) the OP had 1 Million SP and 25 Million ISK. He made this post on the forums explaining his personal view of lending :

“What I would say is that you should keep your ISK. That is years and years of effort. I only have 25 million ISK at the moment and about 1 million SP and already I’ve had moments when I’ve wanted to quit the game. I once played a game called Path of Exile. check it out if you haven’t guys. It really is amazing. I basically had the equivalent of Trillions of ISK and I once ragequit it. I ended up coming back, but I’ll never be as rich as I was back then. I regret it every day I play the game. If you’re invested this much in a game, people don’t realize how hard it is to quit. There’s no logical reason to give ISK away besides some short term “feels-good-ness” which goes away when you feel the huge hole in your pocket.”

So… does that ^ sound like our OP just 5 months later? Or does it seem more likely something more mercenary is afoot?

So… by all means ask this fella for money, you might even get it (some of you) but do not for any reason send him any donations, he has mentioned he does not need them (though he did ask for them before and has deleted the request).

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Name: Davos Skyworth
Nav: 7.3b
API: Privately, if it’s needed.
How did you discover Market Discussions?: I read the ridiculous uncollaterized loan requests for fun.
How long have you been playing Eve? Since December, 2016.
Do you know about the SCC-Lounge ingame channel where everyone hangs out and I ask stupid algebraic questions?: I’ve heard about it, but never checked it out. It seems a bit counter-intuitive to make friends with your competitors, but it’s just a game at the end of the day.
What was the original reason you started playing Eve? I’ve read about EVE when it launched when i was a kid, but I couldn’t afford to sub. Fast forward to recent times, a friend of mine showed an article that EVE is going F2P, and I knew I had to give it a shot. I’ve been subbing ever since.
What did you end up doing in Eve? I lived in hisec for a short while before moving into wormhole space. I’ve recently left because of time constraints (I just don’t have time to do 6-hour gaming sessions anymore), and now I’m a lowsec pirate.
What do you plan to do with the ISK I’m providing?
-I’ll quarantine the isk, and use it as a seed for speculative market operations.
-I’ll note down what I buy and why, and set up a blog where I’ll note new investments, and the results of previous investments in a journal format (I’ll provide the URL of this blog once I’m set up and ready). If you are interested, I could cooperate with you in price manipulation operations.
-The short term goal would be to double the isk amount in my market wallet, then start shaving off 50% of the profits I make for my personal wallet afterwards.

name: Mr Kek:joy:
nav; 3,50$ :confetti_ball:
perhaps :sunglasses:
im lookin around tryna learning how to post emotes :star_struck:
42 hours of eve experience :open_mouth:
yes i do know that channel :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
i sell memes in jita :weary:
need isk for merlins and tormentors how bout that i can get 200 tormentors with 500m :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

pd; elgon ur gonna go broke udumb cuckerino

Name?: Chaos Ellec0n
Can you provide an API either privately or publicly? Privately, sure.
How did you discover Market Discussions? Pecking about on the forums, bored.
How long have you been playing Eve? I’m an o’ 14 character, but I haven’t really been playing for long. I would say I only really got into eve in mid 2016
Do you know about the SCC-Lounge ingame channel where everyone hangs out and I ask stupid algebraic questions? Nope.
What was the original reason you started playing Eve? To become a great pirate. I’ve always loved the idea of sailing into the horizon with a cargohold full of plunder.
What did you end up doing in Eve? I’m a wormholer by day, memelord by night. PvP is love, Isk is life. :ok_hand:
What do you plan to do with the ISK I’m providing? I’m hoping to start making isk by either building stuff or taking stuff from one place to another place on my alt, as a side hustle for quick isk when I don’t feel down for the krab. I remember complaining a lot back when I lived in lowsec about item prices in the many market hubs I would stop by to buy ships or parts, and I feel like it would be a great way to make some quick isk. It was either this, or pimping my alt in Jita 4-4. :witnessprotectionparrot:

So, this isn’t happening I’m assuming?

Pretty sure i cracked it wide open above :slight_smile:

elgon is poor as i stated in my post. he just wanted attention, and perhaps get a big “charity donation” from the big ballers that waddle around this forums.