If you are leaving EVE for an extended time or quitting EVE however you, may one day, come back. Then invest your ISK with Eden Trade! Your ISK will be put in the already awesome established market account with 1.3 Trillion ISK invested and 700+ million ISK paid out to investors (all that taking place in the past 9 months!).
Your ISK will help keep generating my market operations to the grandest scale with higher profits and help New Eden advance in every region of the game! Making it easier for new players to fit ships, buy items, and sell off their items (for good market values (Jita) not regional low ball offers)! Don’t let your ISK go to death help me build and better New Eden!
How it works:
• The Retirement Investment account will be an open fund. Any amount of ISK can be put into it from 1mil to however much you have.
• This fund will be paid out as how my normal market investment fund is paid out but at the base 25% of total profits per billion ISK. Example 100billion in profits per month (what I am averaging now) would net the fund around 30mil per Billion ISK in the fund. Which if the fund has 100billion ISK in it then the fund would generate 3billion ISK per month.
• No withdraws on ISK for 1 year only your profits (so if you come back before a year is up you will not be able to withdraw ISK invested). So, make sure you are going to be gone for that set time. However, exceptions can be made if you just so happened to return, and enough liquid is in the fund then I will break rules and pay you back out your original investment. However, any profits will be withheld.
• Each character investing will be tracked separately as I do now with my current investment. If Investor A puts in 75billion and Investor B puts in 25billion. Both Investors decided to come back after 1 year. Investor A will get the full 75billion+ 75% of the profits and Investor B will get back his 25Billion with 25% of the profits (if they were the only two investors in the retirement fund).
• Profits will be held from my current investment take and profits from the Retirement take will all be kept in one Corporate Wallet Division. This will/should generate (I am generating base 1.2 Trillion per year already) enough ISK to fund any that should return. Assets used in new market hubs (not current existing market hubs) can be liquidated to pay out returning investors if necessary.
Things are subject to change (as in rules regulations etc. as with anything new not all the kinks are glitches are worked out) but returning ISK to those that come back will be a guarantee and with more ISK than what they quit with!
How to Invest
• Transfer your ISK to Eden Trade (CEO of the New Eden Trade and Market Corporation). No description needed. Any ISK transferred to this char will go into the retirement account. (current existing market investment account is closed so these will not be confused).
• I will mail you back and let you know I got it and I have recorded your character name. (if you are selling off your character etc. then please let me know your email or some sort of validation I can use if you come back or when you come back so I know you are the right person/can confirm that invested).
Check out my youtube channel that shows you what I use all the ISK for: Eden Trade - YouTube
Past Records of my Investments and Track Record for success!
New Eden Trade and Market Investment Exchange [Invest and buy shares!] [1.311 Trillion Invested/Shares Sold] [100+bil profits month] (current and 600+ billion paid back so far 1.2 trillion profits per year base 66 investments made totaling 1.311 trillion isk)
New Eden Trade and Market - Regional Market Investment and Profit (funding reached) - #20 (closed and all paid back total paid back was 160billion
My channel that has some videos explaining my market stats and business.
Eve mogul Stats: