Leaving EVE? Might come back? Come back to more ISK! New Eden Trade and Market Retirement Investment Account

Still active! If your leaving eve and want ur isk to go to good and return to more isk if u come back hit me up! 700 billion isk paid out in investments off of 1.33 trillion isk! 880billion paid out total to investors with both investment programs i created!

Isk goes to creating larger market hubs, investing into items that will rise in price, buying out items to create shortages, buying direct from manufacturers, ore mining program (coming soon) more details later better than those “buy back programs”. Capital ship buying and selling. Expansion of new market hubs.

Another 5 bil received. Out of town but ill get it recorded this weekend when i get bk home!

Still active! Leaving eve? May be back? Giving all your things away? Talk to Eden Trade before you do!

If you won’t be back send your isk to me, but otherwise you can do it to this guy

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If you can post here under Brewlar, I’ll invest some isk.

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Check out my channel and videos that explain my eve business here https://youtu.be/4kM1iaLIXjQ and my market things i do.

Market tips, info, and discussion! And how to manage 15k orders! ...or less lol - #8 by Eden_Trade check this thread for more info on my market activates and what I do with the ISK I get.

Still alive and taking on your i’m leaving isk eve for my investment!

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