54k sp returning player looking for a change

I am a returning to eve after like 5 years. I have mostly been in null sec corps and kind of want a change, too much politics and i wasnt a fan of the massive wars that you can barely make an impact on. I was thinking of possibly trying out a low sec corp or faction warfare. I like being able to do pve content and pvp content. I am currently in the northern regions of lowsec closer to jita as i have to deal with all my asset safety stuff so would prefer a corp that isnt on the other side of eve.

Edit: also want to mention that i am in the US so would prefer a corp with a good amount of US people since i dont plan on being up early in the morning for eurpoean time fleets.

Hello Buddy,

Do you happen to have any interest in WH space PvP and sometimes PVE?

o7 after reading your post you seem to be a good fit for us i’ve posted our recruitment ad below our contact details are in it aswell please get in touch if you like what you read :slight_smile:

Hi. You should check out Noir. We’re a merc alliance that’s currently active in GalMil, but we take contracts all over the game, doing everything from NS constellation harassments to WH structure saves to making timers in an area to see who sides with who. We’ve been around quite a while, long enough to have our own module and we even have the undisputed longest running EVE podcast.

Our players are fairly evenly split between EU and US TZ so you will have people to fly with. If objective oriented PvP sounds interesting to you, come chat with us on our Discord.

you are welcome with us :slightly_smiling_face:

Wraithguard is recruiting shoot me a mail ingame

Plenty of USTZ content in FW. [FL33T] up with purpose! (24/7 small gang, daily 50+ brawls)

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