60 bil uncoll loan 10% every month for 6 months

I am planning to use 60 bil isk to use on a alt that would be used for super carrier ratting.

usually i play 4-16 hours a day depends on weekdays or weekends and what i heard that super carrier ratting ticks are like 120 mil maximum so i should pay u in no time… but i still chose the 6 month deal for reasons.

Just tell me if i made a mistake on the interest rate. U tell me how much i will send to u each month cause i am really bad at math.

I will try my best to not lose all that isk. o7

Seems legit

This is EVE :wink:

still trying to fix this post… with the correct interest rate lol.

Evidence. Can you please link to all your other completed business please? It look sat the moment like you have no history and are asking fro 60 BILLION ISK for free.

Have you done any carrier ratting? Do you have proven history of keeping a ratting carrier alive that might indicate you can also keep a supercarrier alive? If you have done carrier ratting how come you are not able to save enough ISK on your own? If you have not done any carrier ratting why skip straight to the supercarrier?

The interest rate is ok, just about. It’s more the huge amount you want to borrow that rings alarm bells.

That’s what collateral is for.

Have you done any carrier ratting? Do you have proven history of keeping a ratting carrier alive that might indicate you can also keep a supercarrier alive? If you have done carrier ratting how come you are not able to save enough ISK on your own? If you have not done any carrier ratting why skip straight to the supercarrier? - that u said

i have watched plenty of videos of making sure a super carrier alive and kno the basics
and i have already setted up a cynosural field alt too. I dont have a carrier ATM and i jumped to super carrier immediatly knowing the fact that i would pay the loan faster and if the carrier survived for 6 months i get a sufficient isk income

Evidence. Can you please link to all your other completed business please? It look sat the moment like you have no history and are asking fro 60 BILLION ISK for free.-

I mark my words. You think im that dumb to just ask for free 60 billion isk.?
i wouldnt take the effort to type and do that quick maths for this crap if i could just easily ask for 60 billion isk

welp. thats why i asked for more isk if i lost the first super carrier i can easily buy another one and make up for my lost.

And i can understand why u think that im just asking for free 60 bil isk. I got no market history of me on loans. Bruv and i lie to u and lose your crap I will happily give up my account that i injected on and all of its assets. Cause basically u own the account cause its your isk. that i lost and its my fault.

Yeah. You literally just asked for 60 Billion ISK with no collateral, and no history of borrowing or any other business.

That’s the point tho isn’t it, you have to do more than a bit of quick maths and tell us you want a supercarrier. Most people start small, maybe a Billion for market trading or something. Once you have a few people who will vouch for you, it’s possible others will offer you more over time. Nobody just walks in, asks for 60 Billion to buy TWO supercarriers and gets it.

Realise that un-collateralised loans are extremely dangerous to the lender, and that’s why you need a bit of history to get one, especially one this big.

So you’re so sure you can keep a carrier alive that you want to borrow two just in case? This is going nowhere. You need to learn a bit about finance, and then accept that your promises mean less than nothing without proven history of conducting good business before the fact.

Promises promises. You could also NOT do that and there’s nothing anybody could do.

Looks like attempts to snatch “mis-collateral-ed” contracts.

BTW, looks like you posted in wrong thread :wink:

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And people thought my 60b loan against considerable collateral was a scam…

._. just flag this post as a spam… if i cant get this 60 bil loan ill have to loan small and get the isk slow.

That’s the spirit. You’re way more likely to get a dollar from a stranger on the street than 10 grand. Funny how life works isn’t it :slight_smile:

If you actually want any smaller (or larger) collateralized loans to help you build a bit of rep get in touch.

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