60 M SP (x2) Returning Vet looking for a ISK-making corp

Possible that we are bigger than what u are intrested in though i would highly recommend checking us out.
We want to have fun but also want to be somewhat good so our fancy big toyes arent just fed as skittles to the enemy.
We are a PVP focused corp, but dont fear the blood in our veins are mostly gold from ridiculous isk that is to be made trough our C5 krab hole empire. But that beeing said we are a pvp first pve after corp which i feel is perfect for anyone.

Age group is anywhere from 23-60 years of age.
Hoping to hear from you if this catches your intrest.

Can also contact me personally ingame or visit
TDSIN Recruitment ingame

Here is our forum post:

Regards Furu Bonehead
TDSIN Recruitment Team

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