69 mill sp toon... have a look I want 55 bill or Make me a Fair offer!

55bill and the toon is yours let me know!

if you still interested i want 55bill and he is now 69 mill sp

If you still interested I will take 55bill and he is now 69mill sp close to 70

if you have the 53 billion its yours not going to worry about 2bill

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I can send you 53b as soon as Iā€™m home today in about 3 to 4 hours. Let me know.

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Sold, let me know when your home as im UK TZ

Will send isk and account details shortly.

Great, Iā€™m logged in so will wait around

Isk and account details sent.

Isk received, will start the transfer

Transfer sent

Character received. Thank you!

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