7 March 2022 - Connection Issues (Mexico & South America)

@Adelrad and I have been discussing this in his thread Connection to Server was closed, unable to connect on port 26000 but we decided today to start an official thread.

At the same time our internal network partner Advania opened a support case with our external network partner Cloudflare that is in particular aimed at investigating the connection between “Total Play Telecomunicaciones SA de CV” and Cloudflare.

I still very strongly recommend that all customers of all ISPs, including Total Play, contact their ISP and raise this issue with their ISP.

(And if anyone replies and says it must be CCP – then I kindly refer them to 20220225 - Connection Issues (UK) - #2 by CCP_Explorer from last week and Cannot stay connected for more than a few minutes D/C - #52 by CCP_Explorer from May 2020. We here at CCP do not control ISPs’ networks.)