
Looking to sell this pilot. I will pay for the transfer. The character is located in Jita and has positive security status and wallet.


Lot of spaceship command skills trained to 5 (including Min Dread). Easy train to Proteus and Kronos. 770,000 unallocated SP.

Starting bid is 60 billion. B/O is 82 billion. I am in no hurry to get rid of her so I can wait for the right buyer.

20 Bil ready

Zorin is wrong. You can get about 1b/million sp if you wait for the right buyer or 10b-20b under that if you want to sell quick. So 63-73b.

Thank you for the serious reply.

I would bid approx 64 bil


70b B/O, very low support skills and a rough toon all around

I accept your offer of 70b. Please send isk/account details to this character and I will initiate the transfer when I get home tonight.

i offer 70.5b, isk ready

I accept. Please send isk/account details. I will start the transfer afterwards.

check ingame message

is it still for sale? should i send isk and account name?

Still for sale. The previous player deleted whatever response was sent and according to my app I have no in game mail or isk.

ok, tried convoing you ingame to discuss the price, i can give you 68b B/O right now to get this done instantly


68 is my final offer, let me know soon, because i will have to go

Thanks for the offers but I cannot accept anything lower than 70.

i can do 70b


Accept. Send the isk/account details and I will start the transfer process as soon as I get home this evening.