91mill sp player looking around

Hey @Elarra

You should definitely come enjoy the best space in the game which is of course lowsec! While the farming sucks the players and content available here are the most fun.

Filthy Peasants is a lowsec/0.0 pvp corp that lives in the Solitude region. We’re an established group that has been around for several years now with great FCs and active leadership who are constantly searching for the next good fight. We run daily fleets/ops with include roams, gatecamps, blops drops, capital hunting, WH diving, and the occasional defense/offense structure timer.

Our goal is to get fights whether we win or lose without intentionally feeding. We’re a very relaxed and casual group with no activity requirements or hazing on dumb losses. We’re most active between 18:00-05:00 EVE Time. We also have a large variety of isk making opportunities such as exploration, missions, ratting, and high value moon mining (you wont get any access to these in a 0.0 alliance).

If you’re interested check out our forum post / killboard below and join our public channel Open Filth to have a chat with us.