A perspective from inside the game is great and very useful, however, we will have to have a look at a business perspective while looking at the inside the game perspective.
Now, if I was CEO of Eve, there is no way I would make a change that would alienate the type of player who loves and adores Eve but simply hasn’t got much time to play. From a business perspective it definitely makes more sense to design part of the game in such a way that it retains the players that love Eve but have little time, part of the goal has to be about retaining subscriptions.
So yes, while I understand Dracvlad’s frustration with the stagnancy, we definitely have to consider that management people and games designers within CCP have had a good brainstorm and then presented Eve online in the way we see now with the current changes.
I hate to say it but “No structure = no war dec” might now be permanent and set in stone within today’s Eve online, simply to secure the finance from 1000s of subscriptions which simply would not be there if the mechanic was war-dec everyone (even with limitations).
Also taking into account the current cost of living crisis Eve has to be careful with it’s subscription plans, when hard times hit people anything under the leisure category is the first to be cancelled, CCP does have to play it safe and make sure all players at least have some options in-game.
I like your suggestions as they support the little guy, there are many who won’t agree and will claim these suggestions promote stagnancy. I’m leaning towards stagnancy being unavoidable.