So, essentially it’s your dream to establish hisec sovereignty without … sovereignty. And thus far you’ve been somewhat able to do that via wardec’ing, right ? That means you found a convenient loop hole and want to widen it. Let’s all be very clear about this: you only need a military arm in your organization to continue to wardec, because you can’t be arsed to do it anywhere else but in hisec.
And yet, ever since the first one was put up, the first week after the Equinox release, the “average line member” does have to deal with Skyhooks, both on defense (24/7) and on offense. Every single “average line member” at any moment ? No, of course not. There are plenty of tasks that need doing to be able to hold and defend the sovereignty.
Why stop there ? Any functioning and well-run - aka content providing - entity anywhere on the map will have different sets of tasks.
Equinox is primarily a headache for any leadership team, and the consequences of the changes - which are under heavy challenge, btw - are not even clear yet. Yes, leadership teams have to decide where to install what in order to try to establish a defendable position, and it involves a lot of spreadsheet work. And these teams try to do it in such a way that gameplay is not affected negatively for their membership. There is ZERO doubt that it will affect gameplay for everyone in different ways, from resource gathering, via industry and sales, day to day pvp, up to nullsec sov wars. If CCP announces that as “re-invigorating”, that will be for us to decide whether it’s fun we want to pay for. That it leads to change is, however, certain.
Yet owning a simple poco is enough to get wardec’d. There’s your solution. It’s not like you are facing the Tranquility Trading Consortium - which was indeed paying mercs to wardec, among other things. So why don’t you ? Don’t like structure grinding ?
which is not blowing up ships, but rather keeping non-pvp’ers busy, feeding them corp projects to fill up, and getting taxes. It’s a nice scheme to keep your war related risks at today’s level, while creating income.
Is my proposal better ? It involves blowing up stuff, interrupting stuff and, most of all, it makes you who are in the business of wardec’ing take war related decisions and bear consequences.
It seems to me, and perhaps a few others as well, that your ambitions for HS are ill suited to HS. Perhaps you should move elsewhere on the map, somewhere between .4 and -1.0 sec space, and see if your level of decision making is okay there.
I fully support your “right to wardec in hisec”, but not at the expense of just everyone. I don’t support your suggestion to embed HS power play even deeper. That type of business model - the random wardec spam - has been going on unchallenged for far too long. It undoubtedly contributes to the current state of HS, and you overplay your hand.