I did not expect to hear someone from the Brothers of Freedom ever again after the Purge, so this is indeed surprising to see this from a self-professed member of the organisation.
I understand if you cannot answer due to issues pertaining to operational security, but I would ask you what means do you have to ensure that people who do decide to take your offer receive what they are promised. ‘Non-entities’ that are barely eking out an existence, hand to mouth and forgotten by the State authorities and the public, they’ll come along if they can get out of the quagmire they’ve found themselves in. The disassociated, maybe, although their circumstances are vastly different to that of the ‘non-entities’. Arguably all independent capsuleers hailing from the State can be considered ‘disassociated’ by virtue of pursuing that path of independence, and my personal departure from the State was far less turbulent than someone more directly connected to the corporate machine.
But the average worker? The individual that has all their money tied up in scrip that necessitates going through the corporate banking system to exchange into ISK, the one reliant on the corporation for employment and housing? Where are the guarantees for their future, and not only their future but their families too. You’re asking them to certainly give up a lot with an uncertain return on that gamble.
Perhaps we can talk in person, work together on something that would be agreeable for the both of us. I would rather not see the Guristas further strengthened than they already are and I am certain that arrangements could be made to avoid such a thing from happening.
I’d say I’ve worked closely with the Caldari corporate machine enough to qualify as one of its apparatchiks ( I was after all a CPD Commissar before ever becoming CEO of Pyre Falcon which was just one of many roles I have served in to advance the corporate interests ) and in many respects that work has disabused me of idealistic notions. That does not mean I don’t recognise that ideals are necessary, that aspirational qualities are required of the State and its leadership.
The lack of such is what contributed to the riots of the Brothers of Freedom and later the CPD under Heth, in my view. Devoid of any purpose and cynically exploited under existing regimes, of course people rebelled and sought to create a purpose that was then lacking in the State for them. I believe reform was necessary, is still necessary in the State to create a truly equitable system because repression can only go so far to maintain peace and order. I just don’t think “anarcho-syndicalism” or “socialism” are the answer, and if they advocate as here for overthrowing the existing order in the name of a dubious dream then the chaos it sows becomes a cure worse than existing symptoms.
Like yourself, Ms. Hakaari, I wonder when the main export of the Caldari State became “drones.”
Ah, yes… I do recall now. When the fascist Tibus Heth took over. That’s right.
Regardless, the “drones” just do as they’re told. They fail to realize the citizen is not a commodity, but an autonomous, and free, sovereign citizen of the State. The power is the people, not the governmental apparatus that looks to exploit them. Heth understood that before he let power corrupt him.
If you need any support, PR help, or a platform to express your desires, please reach out.
With all due respect, your first post calls for revolution against State authority, and now you admit to aiding and abetting known outlaw groups in the Guristas and Brothers of Freedom.
That strikes me as very jaalan if I was to be honest.
I see, everyone in the State should embark on revolution to suit your own personal satisfaction and preferences. That is quite the individualist and selfish political position.
Gesakaarin-haan, I kind of don’t think even being very-specially-extremely-exceptionally jaalan gets you here. Not by itself.
It’s like calling Samira Kernher a vocal dissenter: sort of correct, but doesn’t give at all the right idea. Although, since Samira backs down from basically nothing, that’s probably a bad comparison, too.
In truth, I am not sure what the woman is attempting. Her first post reads like the usual foreign agitation propaganda following its usual format: I am Caldari like you, the Megacorporations are evil; your leaders are lying to you; what you need is freedom! I would consider it poorly done, because to a Caldari reader like myself who grew up in the State it’s insulting. A Caldari Megacorporation is composed of hundreds of billions of citizens, to say it is evil is to say every corporate citizen is evil. How does someone in their right mind essentially say, “You are evil so rebel against yourself” honestly expect to get anywhere.
Then we get this disavowal, which then implicates association with Gurista and other outlaw groups like Brothers of Freedom which seems to contradict the initial missive supporting the BoF. Which, at least to me indicates a serious lack of conviction. Either you are sincere and believe in what you say and do, or everything you said prior was insincere or disingenuous. I think many Caldari place emphasis on sincerity because it’s the path to trust. How can anyone expect to trust someone who just changes their position whenever it suits them, as this Hakaari has done?
All I see here is just an insulting degree of ignorance and particularly disingenuous beliefs – which is unsurprising I suppose, the woman looks nothing more than a foreign-backed shill who consorts with outlaws and terrorists and who lied her way into the SWA in order to gain the privileges of an independent pilot licence.
Jalaan was a kindness perhaps on my part, it appears she is more Guri than anything else.
…if ever in your future struggle for our people you should find your resolve faltering, tempted to drink from that bitter cup that is life’s sorrow, then remember this: Within your frailness of spirit, uncared for by the cold winds of fate, and wept for by none in the endless snows of despair still beats a heart. A Caldari heart. A heart that carries within it the hope, the dreams, the will, and the fierce determination of every citizen with the fury of every star in the State against the darkness of the long and lonely night. The strength of our proud nation is not to be found in the ships of the Fleet, nor in the HC-130 Gunnlogi of the Army, but in the hearts of every man, woman, and child of the State which continue to beat in defiance of those who have sought to destroy us, whether from without or from within, to force the yoke of humiliation and defeat around our necks.
We as soldiers have made a mockery of our enemies not because we are conquerors, warmongers or natural killers, but because we are citizens of the State; whether in the offices or in the factories, father, mother, daughter, son, friend and comrade we fight not for glory or plunder but only to ensure the safety of those we love as our duty.
If ever in your future struggle for our people should you think yourself alone, lost, or afraid, look to the ones you love and know that the sound of their Caldari heart beats the same as your own, and it beats as strongly now just as it has for a thousand years:
– Excerpt from commencement speech delivered by Kommandant Kommissar Veikitamo “AHAB” Gesakaarin to graduate students of the Nani-Achur Naval Institute, 20 December YC 119.
As Caldari, we were raised to not need privacy. As capsuleers, we are able to choose to what degree the State can control us. I feel like trying to introduce the need for privacy in a society that does fine without it is just going to weaken us. Our people may not be living in eutopia, but the State has succeeded in providing for trillions of citizens. They don’t shove people into slavery, they find what you are good at and let you make a living doing what you are most successful doing. We might not be perfect, but what would you call perfect when our society has the lowest rate of unemployment and poverty in all of New Eden?
I’m late to this because reading the IGS is bad for your health but is this serious?
What you get (at an undisclosed time in the future):
“Wealth, comfort, anonymity and safety.”
What you give up (right now):
The highest quality health care in New Eden, free to all Citizens.
The highest average quality of life.
The greatest access to cutting edge technology in New Eden.
The ability to be on the forefront of human development in New Eden.
Access to education, much of which is the highest quality in all of New Eden.
The protection of the most capable navy in all of New Eden.
Why would anyone seriously consider this a good offer? Even at my edgiest, teenage rebellionist, I would have called you an idiot for even suggesting this as a serious alternate.
I’m sorry that the education system failed you and I hope that you can recover before you do serious harm to yourself or others.
These things may well be true, but they only apply to people at the very top, try seeing what a ghetto for someone at the bottom of the corporate hierarchy is like in this regard. And not to mention what it’s like in a Non-Entity community
I graduate the State War Academy so I did fairly well in that regard, but ok.
My father was a laborer and my mother was in the Navy. I was very near to the bottom. And besides, this all still applies. All of this is available to any and every citizen of the State.
You and many other self described freedom fighters often have this naive idea that all non-entity and disassociated are innocent victims of the corporate machine, struggling to exist after they were betrayed by the system they trusted but that couldn’t be further from the truth. But then you seem pretty happy to associated with the Guristas, so it’s not surprising that you sympathize with murderers, terrorists, provists and other such lovely folk.