This may be a terrible suggestion but I noticed what is a problem (to me at-least) in the new broker fee trade system. To those who do a lot of buy/selling and engage in all the little tricks and tactics maybe you have felt the same thing.
When a person puts up a buy order for example, the default is to put up for the longest duration of 3 month coz why not?. This wasn’t really an issue back in the .1 isk days but now I feel it is. If a person puts up a buy order that is at such a margin that no profit is possible, that order will simply stay there for 3 month or until the order is met. It’s fine if it’s a small order or order in a high volume market but not so fine if they put up a large order that immediate sell demand can not meet any time soon.
Why this is a problem is that it shuts out many styles of trading and for many reasons. For example reprocess trading can be worth while with the correct module buy orders but as with any trading the profit lines can soon become none existent, especially on mods that have production value or pvp/pve value. This means people buying low to re-sell have a much wider profit margin than a person reprocessing. The issue around that is a person may put up a high buy order of say 200K x1000 on an item that is selling for say 255K. That’s a very tight margin (just example figure) for buy/re-sell and it shuts out all other competition for 3 month.
Now I could go on giving examples of who this 3 month buy/re-sell effects other buy-sellers and how it even effects just sellers, but well, traders understand what I am getting at by now and none traders won’t care.
My suggestion is that buy or sell orders actually account for duration in the broker fee… and that editing a sell or buy order will also include the duration fee. The purpose of this is so that people have incentive to use lower duration trading as the tax will be lower (obviously higher tax for higher duration). What this then does is opens up more angles of trading and more tactics to be able to carve out some profit in different areas. You would see people having even only day long buy/sell orders to have the lowest possible tax (it comes at a risk that all traders will understand). But the secondary tactic to that is a player may decide to wait out such a low time-scale buy order rather than update his/her buy/sell order.
Obviously I have no idea what such tax numbers would look like, but the emphasis is to really make mid to long term buy/sell orders have to be considered carefully if they are truly worth the extra duration tax.
Sorry if it’s a terrible Idea, I just notice that it’s a very bad bottle neck in the trading system. Maybe I’m wrong.