This is a Highsec thread of kind words, for gankers and gankees, PvP champions and plebs, knights of the Order and incompetent antigankers, to come together and say nice things about each other. You know what side you are on, so pick someone from the other side and say something nice about them. No mean words or anything like that, let the Holiday Spirit prevail! TIS THE SEASON!
I will go first. However, since I have absolutely nothing nice to say about them, whatsoever, I will say nothing at all. Three cheers, and a Huzzah!
we should have a truce for Christmas and New Years at least. let’s just enjoy the came for a few days and spend time with friends and family without any grief and sorrow.
I’d like to thank the Gankers along Jita-Amarr (and everywhere else) for giving me a reason to be a sneaky bastard. Another load coming through soon!