Dear Gankers of Miner High Security Space

Look Gankers I tried to be your friends, but lately some of the stuff you said about miners in New Eden and on the forums had sounded just unacceptable, it could now even become a Highsec violation to keep trying to gank miners without first tryng to give enough warning, I am not joking or roleplaying with anyone of you no more, i find the stuff you do to miners is totally unacceptable and frankly a little offensive for gankers to try and extract hard earned isk out of the miners of New Eden.

Please plan for No Ganking Monday as the start of the week is the most important time for gaining more wealth, refrain from demanding isk payments and just stop with the harassments about buying a permit.

Miners want to play their game, perhaps you gankers should practice shooting at each other and leave us alone at least once a week. We can refer to Monday’s as Lazy Mining Monday so we can stop with the name calling and just start to share the Highsec the way Highsec was meant to be.



I agree. It’s uncalled for and uncivilized in a game where players are supposed to have fun and in a forum where members are supposed to discuss.
I have nothing against ganking, it doesn’t affect me, but there’s no need to act like savages.


“Look Gankers I tried to be your friends, but lately some of the stuff you said about miners”

These people are not here to actually play the game with peers, their here because beyond eve they have nothing going on otherwise, they are unable to actually be social without being themselves.



Btw considering many of the gankers (and most prominent ones at that) here put you on ignore, not sure how successful this thread is reaching them. :thinking:



Miners communicate socially just fine, we don’t necessarily care to get to know each other or do we try to steal their mined ore or processed materials.

We look out for fleets and try to offer safety in numbers just like how the water Buffalo herd close together to make sure at least a few of us are protected from the crocodiles.

/ as per that Ganker comment above, it only makes sense for which side you’re a crocodile.

CCP should make High Security Space “high security” (in a preventative sense) or change the name.

Full Stop!

My 6.5 Creedmoor is a thing of beauty. :strawberry::purple_heart:

I think you’re missing the point, Chad - or maybe several of them. If we give ‘enough’ warning, then the gank fails, no? The odd failed gank is a professional hazard, but successive failed ganks would be discouraging to the only providers of guaranteed non-consensual high-jinks in Highsec!

History lesson: I think it’s in the CODE, but just prior to ganking a miner we used to hail them in local. If they replied within 5-10 seconds they clearly knew we were there and might try to align out. If there was no response, we’d gank them. In fact ‘no response’ usually just meant they were AFK and fair game anyway. Even if they did respond, it was often too late to save their measly barge. Good times.

Just for the record, I never block nor ignore any poster, nor flag any comment. Let people write as they wish; they’ll either come out of it looking reasonable or otherwise. No skin off my nose (strange expression…).


Or they didn’t have their Local window open.

I don’t care to read every bit of nonsense that pops up in Local so I minimize it.
Does that mean I’m AFK?


They should be at their keyboard at all times but that is not the issue.

The warning should come in the form of a bump, then if the miner doesn’t try to realign within a time frame then that is a good sign that they are afk.

If it is a problem with bumping to check to see if the miner is at the keyboard, then first try to message them.

Perfect example is that was the way Code. Checks when they had a leader who cared about the code.


No, not really but a courtesy bump is a nice thing to do!

Yes players should be at keyboard and mouse, and the issue is the pretexts the gankers use to divorce themselves from culpability.
I have read the AFK excuse in this forum many times to justify wasting someone’s ship but there are very few ways to tell that a pilot is AFK and you’re right, bumping is one good way to know that someone is AFK.


No, but if you ignore Local Chat in Highsec - or anywhere in EVE, really - you’re shutting off a source of free intelligence. You may perceive no need for it right now, but It can be useful.

Most of it is rubbish, of course; miners begging boosts, hawkers, acquaintances casually hailing one another before warping off to the next system on their journey. I’m sure you’ve seen all that.

My point is that not having your Local Chat window open is effectively the same as being AFK in terms of the gank. If you don’t notice Local filling up with little red icons, you may have no idea that a gank is in progress - even if your ship is not the target. Sometimes, randoms will post a warning in Local if they see gankers around. Busybodies, they are.

I think you will come to appreciate the things for which Local is useful - and to tune out those for which it is not.


That’s my point and why I have Local minimized while still being able to notice spikes in player numbers.

When you put it like that then it would be useful for everyone not to use AFK but something else.
AFK means Away From Keyboard and nothing else.
I would call it AFL ( away from Local )

If a miner doesn’t have a Mining Permit, he or she may be ganked. Bumping is generally used not to give advanced warning of the gank but to encourage the miner to buy a Permit, or to eff off. Courtesy, I’m afraid, doesn’t come into it.

That is why I wrote that not having Local open is ‘effectively’ the same as being AFK. The outcome is the same. You will not be aware that gankers have entered your system whether you are AFK or indeed AFL.

A mortal accident and a murder aren’t the same things, even though the outcome is the same.

AFK Only means Away From Keyboard, it doesn’t mean anything else.

This forum is full of “oh well, he was AFK anyways so fck him” and that is such a copout. I would rather read “I wanted to pad my killboard so fck him” than that “AFK” nonsense.

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Yes, that’s what it means. If the target is away from the keyboard or otherwise not paying attention, the outcome will likely be the same. As you point out, dissimilar circumstances can lead to shared outcomes. It is the outcome which is the same, not the contributing events.

It is so because there is, in Highsec particularly, a group of players which resolutely refuses to play the game using the tools provided by CCP. When its members suffer the inevitable consequences of their ignorance, laziness and/or stupidity, they come and whine on the Forum.

I have never used the language you imply in your statement, but I have certainly disparaged players who won’t even do the minimum to avoid being ganked - and I will continue to do so.

I did not ever gank with the purpose of watching meaningless numbers tick upwards, or of indulging a need for praise or recognition. I do not say that all gankers are like this, only that you have made a generalisation which doesn’t include some of us. I did it purely for entertainment purposes, not even for ISK. I suppose that might make me look even worse in the eyes of some readers!

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If a miner doesn’t appear to hold a permit on their bio it is not an indication to go and gank that miner without making contact.

Older records show that miner permits were issued at 10 million isk then IF Caught and AFK without a permit then it was open for possible Ganking fleets etc along with the permit increasing to 30 million.

But not just scan a belt see a miner then warp and n blindfolded .
Let’s ask why did they remove the belt scans?

Don’t you feel that the right thing to do is make contact with someone first in High Security Space?

Do you feel that an option to turn off PvP or have a request for PvP since we already can reject an incoming duel request!

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If he doesn’t have a Permit, the activity is unlicensed and therefore illegal.

Lock, Scram, Shoot - that is what constitutes ‘contact’.

In times gone by, Permits were indeed priced at 10m ISK. If you read these boards you’ll see folk swearing that they will never buy a Permit, and encouraging others to adopt the same stance. We must push back against such notions. Gankers must also eat. The price increase to 30m simply reflects changes within the EVE economy - and puts food upon the table for the ganker and his dependents.

Not my style, but I have done it. I prefer to use my cloaky scout to get up-close-and-personal and then fleet warp to the target.

Is that still a thing? I thought CCP fixed it. Was it intended to scupper ganks? Really? Odd.

See my response to ‘contact’, above. There’s nothing wrong with chatting to a miner before the gank. Occasionally, my cloaky scout would witter on for ages while the gank fleet got its act together - and then ganked the unsuspecting conversationalist. Most amusing.

If you give non-PvP players that option, they will always, always check it. Highsec PvP, outside of the lame Wardec feature, will surely die, and with it all the gankers. If that’s what you want, then please, go ahead and advocate for it, but at least be aware of the consequences…

chief among which might be Boredom.

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Glad you agree.

I seriously doubt they are “a group”. Most likely and at most they are few unconnected single players who happen to make mistakes.
I think the narrative you’re offering is an illusion at best and an excuse at worse.
“Playing AFK” doesn’t exist but for far fewer players and the occasional boast.

And the fantasy that a majority of miners play EVE Online while watching Netflix is total myth invented by gankers to divorce themselves from culpability and disparage an entire career.
Mining isn’t dirty.
Miners aren’t dirty or lazy. It’s just something to do for isk and/or relax for a while.

Glad we’ve had that talk, Sasha. It’s a pleasure to read your posts. You’re always so polite!

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