Thank Those Who Gank

Welcome denizens of New Eden. I come before you today with a message.

Thank Those Who Gank. Simple. Elegant. And most of all, correct.

“Gankers” as they called now in the nomenclature of our time, are essential to life in New Eden. They grease the wheels of our economy, keep us sharp and most importantly, provide the best education.

In my travels through our universe, I’ve encountered so many that do not understand the basic tenets of our universe.

Death is a friend that always finds you, and when He does, it is your fault.

Each death brings a lesson. There are those of you who use the paper tiger that death too early will scare away pilots from choosing the life of a capsuleer.

You could not be more wrong.

A new capusleer must learn that death is a constant companion. Not to be feared, but embraced. And if you want to escape it’s embrace, you must learn.

So always check your scanner. Check your comms. Check your starmap.

Finally, if you want these pilots to stop? Stop them yourselves. Stop crying to false gods to save you.

Save yourself or not at all.


Does anyone pronounce it as A- KO or Eye KO

Heard that there are two ways to cry out that name


Isn’t it pronounced like Aye-KO where “Aye” the same as in “Aye, aye captain!”? :thinking:


I pronounce it as the e of america.

Eye KO

Technically, it’s I-E-KO

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It doesn’t matter anymore, sorry for no being available for further comment.

I thought ganking was supposed to be a thankless task. The loot you take and the thrill of the kill should be thanks enough. Are gankers suffering from loneliness and rejection? Do they long for the peaceful life of a miner? Are they trapped in their job by their cruel masters? Why do they so desperately need the emotional support of miners? Miners are usually so happy… with the exception of those few alliances that get territorial in high sec. Are gankers unhappy?

A Gank a day keeps the Prey away

Gankers are the unsung heroes of EVE.

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Can this be closed please?

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Thank you so much for the tips and thank you who gank, whoever you are. I’m so glad you only operate in Hisec.

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Now move along , that a boy.

Not even a counter-offer for 1 bil ISK? :thinking:


He didn’t even thank me for ganking - what a cheek

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Thank you for your kind support.

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Of course not, Safety is helping miners. It’s a misconception that these elite highsec warriors do there duty with malice and spite. Would you rather lose a venture or a blinged out barge or worse blinged out exhumer or orca which can be catastrophic loses for some?. If the newbro miner learns and understands and adapts they will figure out how to counter play the gank rather then sit at a point zero drop lazering whatever they can with orca boosts.

It’s an act of kindness if you really think about it :thinking:

I want to thank myself for having been, and continue to gank, when I feel like it, or when the mining herd needs culling.


I want to help the pitiful miners. They grind endlessly, to avoid paying $5 for a video game. Most days, they use a bot to AFK mine, minimized on their work computer. During holidays, they sit hunched over, neglecting loved ones. My alliance ensures their Safety.

I liberate miners from their worst instincts. In this way, miners can be molded into actual people, worthy of joining the new new community of EVE

Miners should be courteous and must refrain from the use of profanity, toxic masculinity or wordsalad

Aiko Danuja

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Yeah, I’m shaking :grin:

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