From a good friend

My friend @Mandalf posted this elsewhere, but I think it should be made front and center…

Please feel free to both accept my apology and roast me for my posting error, my “T2 multispectrum forum hardeners” are on and good to go!


Folks, do not be fooled by the criminal doublespeak, they try to sow confusion where there is none. We are the New Eden Police Force, we are striving to be the good guys* and those supporting justice and order are the kinds of players we look to attract to our ranks.

We have rules of engagement which are monitored and debated by our Security Council. If you or anyone you know has been wrongly blown up by our members we have team of empire lawyers and HR representatives you can contact which review each and every kill. If a member steps out of line there are reprimands, name callings, and maybe even a boot from the corp.

  • Don’t mistake us when we say “we are the good guys” for what YOU might think a more real world “police force” looks like. We maybe aren’t the best guys, and we are a tad more vigilante and a good bit less white knight than we may be painted by our foes. We think in the brutal world of New Eden which includes clone technology this is a step in the right direction. Your first kill IS the warning shot.

Our low sec rules of engagement are a good bit more aggressive because it is low sec for golly gees sake. If you have a suspect timer you are suspect and nearly every Eve player at least considers taking a shot at you. We are no different and make judgment calls based on intel, situational context, and our directives. If we suspect you are associated with criminals we may blow you up, whether you are in a venture or a catalyst. If we make a mistake we will own up to it, but we do not generally attack pilots simply to take their assets or dictate what we think their playstyle* should be. That is what separates us from the criminals.

  • No, us shooting at gankers is not us seeking to dictate a playstyle, it’s an in game response to in game activities.

This corp was formed by those who wanted to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING and fight back against gankers, criminals, and the lawless philosophies they represent. If that is an in game purpose you are interested in supporting or joining then contact us: -NEPF.

If that is something you oppose then we will see you on grid somewhere around town to shoot at you and play this crazy spaceship game we all love.


Intergalactic Summit is that way →


Good luck with your vigilante group. Are vigilante’s really good guys though? Seem more like bad guys disguised as good guys.

Vigilantes are just bad guys with a sense of moral superiority.

The engage in extrajudicial executions, including of those who are suspected of property crimes.

It’s morally reprehensible.

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The New Eden Pleb Force opposes taxation and professional licensures, openly declaring themselves to be “vigilantes” who shoot at whomever they want. Clearly, they are the very criminals they pretend to oppose.


That’s why we shoot at ourselves so often

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I prefer to use the phrase “Pre-Emptive Enforcement”… its so much nicer, isn’t it


You guys should just drop the roleplay and start ganking.

Well then, please allow me to repost a response to that repost:

Oh Fedo poop!

Allow me to quote myself from post #46 in this thread. Link contains examples of the “justice and order” folk you like so much not only making threats irl and wishing bad things on players irl (common happenings unfortunately, and documented for years), but also threatening their children with disgusting things irl. These ashats and the people who enable / defend them are not noble and on the side of good blah blah blah.

Pick one. You sadly self-deluded lot are defending behavior that is the worst sort of irl crap you have convinced yourselves must be what your ingame disfavoured must really be.


I like how you quote just some words of a sentence :sweat_smile:

Not unlike the many post here you plan to distort what’s written , now I wonder why but unlike you I’m not going to make something up out of half truths.

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We haven’t had to arrest any of your boys in several weeks now. Have you finally come to RESPECT OUR AUTHORITAY?

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We have always respected your authority , sometimes we end up following dirtbags into wh space , then we might run into you , which results in friendly fire but that’s eve for you . Not hard feelings keep up the good work Officer vinnegar.

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TLDR. But this is a terrible idea and has no place in this game. Whatever it is. You’re bad and wrong for even suggesting it.

So, basically, roleplay aside, you are gankers in high sec and pirates in low sec. Got it.

“Empire lawyers”. LUL.
This sounds exactly like what the trolling the freight/mining-ganking collective attempts to pull on unsuspecting targets, when they try to convince them need to pay for taxes, ship replacements, docking fees for a new ship, mining licenses, etc.

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They are not gankers, simple as that.

Of course. :roll_eyes:

Remember Rion! Never forget!

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Lol you bring him up again , he was a ganker spy , he was in your channel up to no good, being instructed by you , I believe you told him to go out and kill MTU , we had a report he was trying to scout for you , so we killed him .

Also we just killed him , we don’t take the piss or scam him or grief him in any way , remember Subcoach and your other victims , not so lucky


Blablabla, he was literally a newbro in a Venture.

No way you can spin it - you gank the very people you claim to ‘protect’.

He was found guilty by association.

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I don’t care if you gank Ventures. In fact, I want you to shoot them.

You shot Rion, FOR ME.


:parrotwave6: :woman_facepalming: :bananaparrot:
:parrot: :bananaparrot: :bluescluesparrot: