A History of EVE Database Server Hardware

How many 6 packs?

This is awesome but itā€™s still not fast enough to tell me when a roid has been depletedā€¦

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The trick that I use to tell when an astroid is depleted, is that it disappears and isnā€™t locked anymore and isnā€™t on the overview anymore. The more you know *

Excellent advice! I did like the voice prompt though while mining in low sec in an untanked orca while watching Youtube on the other monitorā€¦

pr0n. The best kind of pr0nā€¦

I am running eve client on Windows Server 2022, Datacenter.


Not sure of the achievement as itā€™s still Windows.

Many gamed on Windows 2000 Advanced Server in the 2000ā€™s.

It is still windows.
Difference is 1000% more stable, no ADDS and no secret upgrades over night to new windows versions.
Also no limits as in windows 10 and alot of stuff that just isnā€™t in normal windows.


Sounds like Linux and Bsd, what took you so long?

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I have some special hardware that only has windows drivers sadly :frowning:
Including DVB-S2 and DVB-C / DVB-T cards

Pass them through to a VM, also check for open source drivers.

sounds like every version of windows sinceā€¦ever. If you donā€™t want the bloat, dont buy the cheapest computer you can find that the manufacturers have to put ads, third party crapware and the lowest tier of windows available ion order to make a low end box profitable*

You mean, donā€™t run pre-installed OEM images. Fresh install a vanilla edition and that will likely fix it for you.

server 2022 is almost exactly the same thing as windows 11 long term servicing. There is no major difference between them other than a handful of fringe UI features and support for certain peripherals

Not exactly.

Windows Server 2022 48TB
Windows 11 Pro 2 TB

server can also give you a ton of other server services and more stable system.

Iā€™m not even authorized for datacenter access.


I am extremely skeptical that you are operating a rig with more than 2 Tb of RAM


Thatā€™s a lot lower than I expected, but I guess many of those transactions contain relatively complicated stored procedure logic.

Could always bribe hellmar for access

You could turn the images of the ā€œvintageā€ hardware and server room into an NFT.

Could have a ā€œStory of Eveā€ NFT collection set.