A Missive to the High Lords of House Sarum and Commanders of the Reclamation of Floseswin IV

To Lord @Olacar_xer_Sarum and the Sarum Court, to Colonel General Vikhtor Mazari, and our Liege Lord Arrach Sarum,

I do not know where I stand today amongst such esteemed company as those I address with this. Normally I would write humbly, as the low-born consort that I am. However, today I also write as a victor, and that I pray shall make you pause and lend your ears.

In the name of my Lady Mitara Newelle, Champion of House Sarum and Holder of Damnidios Para’nashu, I have fought to restore Imperial dominance in the system of Floseswin for the past two and a half months. Today, myself and the 24th Imperial Crusade, along with forces from Providence, have succeeded. This gift, which I consider a miracle granted by God Himself, I give to you in the hopes that my contribution has earned me the right to also contribute my input as a Divine Commodore of the Crusade.

I will be direct: We will not hold the system longer than a week and shall be unable to reclaim it again for months, if not years, after the incredible galvanisation of Tribal loyalist capsuleers this invasion has caused. I urge in the strongest of manners that the brief time of space supremacy we have bought be used to conduct a complete withdrawal of our forces from the surface of Floseswin IV, lest they be trapped there indefinitely once again and eventually destroyed or captured and slowly tortured in heathen death camps.

Attached is a detailed report of the strategic outlooks I have complied to prove this is the truth. Attempting to reinforce or press the attack on the planet will only delay the inevitable. I am acutely aware of the diplomatic battles being waged now, and how the invasion is leveraging them, but I assure you we cannot press on and we must cut our losses lest a captured or dead army become a weapon to be used against us at the Inner Circle’s negotiation tables. I believe we have abundantly proven the points we came here to demonstrate, and it is time to leave with what we have already gained.

Furthermore, division is increasing amongst Imperial loyalist capsuleers in this matter, as I am certain you have noted them stirring between our Holders and those of our new allies under House Ardishapur. We stand to lose at home as well as at the front now. The vast majority of the Crusade and our allies wishes to turn their attentions homeward and retake our lost system to protect our own citizens from terrorist reprisals and eliminate TLF profit sources, which I believe to be the most strategically sound move at this point. I have used considerable political capital amongst them to achieve this victory, while other supposed allies have abandoned us completely. We cannot maintain a united front in this any longer.

I will leave the details of any such egress from this damned theatre up to the more expert tacticians, but I pray I make myself clear when I state that remaining is a death sentence to our men and women in the field, and the Minmatar know it. If that is what is intended, then I will have no choice but to accept it. However, I will not do so lightly.

I pray that my words are considered and acted upon with due dilligence.

Lord Aldrith Shutaq Newelle
Lord Consort to Lady Mitara Newelle
Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade
Paladin Ordinary and Navarch of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order


Amarr victor.

I’d have to agree. Evacuate the righteous, leave the rest to burn.

My lords,

Thus far the anticipated TLF counterattack has not manifested itself in the strength that was previously estimated. Barring a massive push, our control of the system should last into next week. I apologize if my previous assertion has caused any compromise in our operations

That said, my recommendation still stands as the system may fall again unexpectedly within days at any given moment. We will hold it for as long as we can, but the fickle nature of Empyrean goals and loyalties makes it difficult go know who will join the fight for any side at a given moment. Plans should be made in the timespan of days, not months.

Whatever may come, know the the Newelle Family and the soldiers of Para’nashu stand with the Sarum Expeditionary Force. The Houses of Gallius, Elkin, deSivestris and Yassavi do so as well. We continue to fight on your behest, no matter the cost; I simply pray the wisdom of our leige will lead us to an end that is worth the cost.

Amarr Victor

Lord Aldrith Shutaq Newelle
Lord Consort to Lady Mitara Newelle
Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade
Paladin Ordinary and Navarch of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order


Uhh. I think you might be projecting??

1 Like

Nope, they’re real: https://fiction.eveonline.com/stories/chronicles/king-slaver

tl:dr is that the Republic sticks Amarrians into camps where they are starved, beaten and arbitrarily killed until they break/lose their faith.


My lords,

The full counter-offensive has arrived.

I estimate we have three days.

Lord Aldrith Shutaq Newelle
Lord Consort to Lady Mitara Newelle
Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade
Paladin Ordinary and Navarch of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order


My lords,

The time is nigh. We have bought nearly a full week with blood and fire. The system has been ablaze for that entire time. I pray the time has been used wisely.

Lord Aldrith Shutaq Newelle
Lord Consort to Lady Mitara Newelle
Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade
Paladin Ordinary and Navarch of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order


Lord Olacar xer Sarum,

I write only you this time in the hopes you might be able to help orient me in these troubled times.

I also hope I may be able to orient you and our Lord Sarum.

Firstly, in case there were any doubt, allow me to say that I fully accept our lord’s decision to disregard my recommendation and escalate the conflict on Floseswin IV. Surely he knows more about the goals and capabilities of the House and Empire than I, and the newly reinforced army of Damnidios Para’nashu remains on the surface and are prepared for whatever may come. Our loyalty is absolute. I only ask that our sacrifice not be made in vain.

However, I have a grave concern to that end, as I am certain many others who fight in God’s name on this accursed planet do as well: Alar Chakaid.

I do not believe I need to fully recount the numerous grievances Sarum-loyal capsuleers and households have against this creature. Those alone ought to be reason enough to have barred the gibbering demon from sullying our work here with his presence. However, now he undermines everything we have fought for with his insane threats issued against the Republic. I am at wit’s end, and I declare that this cannot be allowed to stand any longer. I will not watch idly as he froths at the expense of the honour of all those who have died here and the clear interests of our Empress Catiz I and Empire.

Thusly, I urge you to either guide us to the right course of action for this problem, or I will be forced to act. What form that action may take I will leave unspoken as for now, but I will remind you that I still have command of a force of nearly fifty-thousand men, comprised of troops from households that have all been either insulted or obviously and directly attacked by that living embodiment of wanton corruption that masquerades as a noble. A reckoning is promised and as God as witness to my honour I will see satisfaction before this bloodbath is over.

I go now to renew the offensive against the heathens in the skies. I will await your advice, or lack thereof, in the meantime.

Lord Aldrith Shutaq Newelle
Lord Consort to Lady Mitara Newelle
Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade
Paladin Ordinary and Navarch of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order


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To Lord @Olacar_xer_Sarum , the House Sarum Court, and our Liege Lord Arrach Sarum,

I wish first to inform you of the 24th Imperial Crusade’s strategic status as it stands as of now.

The Crusade is currently in one of the strongest states I have seen it in for several years, with a still growing ability to engage large low-sec entities, including what remains of the dwindling Tribal Liberation Force. Ushra’khan is still a force to be reckoned with, but the most recent Floseswin campaign has left them wounded whilst we have been hardened by the crucible. Furthermore, with the economic tides having shifted in our favour, we now have the ability to hold the majority of the warzone for the months to come. We are soon to begin work on completely restoring rightful Amarr rule to the last TLF holdouts in the Bleak Lands and Devoid.

As for the Upper Rebel Provinces, our hold on the Eugidi constellation, including Floseswin, is now absolute. The territory beyond is more weakly defended, but profiteers ought to keep what has thus far been claimed relatively stable until the tides shift again, while the option for more concerted efforts to secure anywhere specific does exist.

In summary, we have rebuilt from the collapse we suffered following the mutinous treason of the ‘warzone deal’ nine months ago, and are now back in suitable fighting condition, as proven by our recent battles. It is with this news I hope to further inform our strategy from this point forward.

I will refrain from comment on the current state of the battle to Reclaim Floseswin IV. I will, however, inform that the Crusade is able and willing to keep control of the system for the foreseeable future, or until Ushra’khan regains the will and strength to mount an offensive. I am unaware of the state our forces are in following the Triglavian invasions, but I would like to put forth a recommendation: the time to strike in the warzone is now. When troops were landed on Foseswin IV, the Crusade was in a shambles while Ushra’khan was resurgent. Now that we may put up a proper fight nearly anywhere in the warzone, we may now safeguard House Sarum’s interests with more surety than ever before. I urge our Lord Sarum use this to the House’s advantage and press the attack, not necessarily on Floseswin IV, but elsewhere in his domain, especially within the Eugidi constellation.

I beg that defeat not be admitted to in this hour, and that the sacrifices on Floseswin IV not have been made in vain. I humbly submit this advice to our Lord and his Court. Do with it as you will, for I remain my lady’s humble servant, and through her I am also yours.

Lord Aldrith Shutaq Newelle
Lord Consort to Lady Mitara Newelle
Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade
Paladin Ordinary and Navarch of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order


To Lord @Olacar_xer_Sarum , the House Sarum Court Militant, and our Liege Lord Arrach Sarum,

God’s blessings upon all and good tidings in this new year. I bring an update from the Empyrean front of the war, particularly amid an apparent mobilization to retake Floseswin IV.

As should be apparent to all of you by now, the tides of the war are once again against us following the normal pattern of profiteer favouritism dictated by the fluctuations in the capsuleer markets for loyalty point store items. Partly due to the imbalance in demand for the items offered by the Tribal Liberation Force and the 24th Imperial Crusade, periods of Minmatar dominance in the warzone tend to last longer than ours, and we do not expect the overall tide of the war to shift again until June, as it did last year. This means that for the coming six months at least, our ability to retain all but the most well-guarded systems will be severely hampered, while our ability to take systems will be almost non-existent until the TLF’s profiteers shift focus elsewhere. As of today Devoid is completely lost apart from Arzad, and we expect to lose several more systems in The Bleak Lands before an offensive shift is possible. Such is the nature of the Empyrean Wars, and we shall weather the storm as best we may.

That stated, the systems we do defend have a good likelihood to stand firm, including Floseswin. A push for Kamela has already been repelled, and Electus Matari have made three separate attempts to set up a base in Ardar from which to strike at Floseswin to no avail. The Crusade’s operational capabilities are stronger than they have been in years, but the TLF continues to gain raw numbers, even if they are currently disorganized and inferiror in doctrines and tactics. This state of affairs may change at any time and serious offensives into our strongholds of Kamela, Sosala, Arzad, Aset and Floseswin may begin to be made if they are able to capitalize on their advantages. It shall be a long and difficult six months.

Considering my assessment of the strategic situation in space, I have prepared recommendations for your consideration should a renewed planetside campaign be launched. The bulk of my Lady Mitara Newelle’s forces have remained stationed in orbit upon the Yassavi Family Fortizar since our retreat in July in anticipation for a return to the surface. In that time we have gathered as much intelligence as possible on Tribal military capabilities, the locations of our captured soldiers, and the remnants of Colonel General Mazari’s forces through both orbital observation and special operations teams inserted behind enemy lines. After sharing what we have learned with the greater Sarum intelligence community, it is my firm belief that before a full invasion be mounted we must first rescue the remaining Amarr on the planet. The situation in space, while stable for now, may turn at any moment and any forces committed to the surface will be at risk of being trapped once again. Incursions to rescue our POW’s and trapped troops should remain fast, mobile, and be ready to extract immediately should the system reach over 70% contested during their operations, as this may indicate the system will fall within the day.

Simultaneously, special forces should attack vulnerable defensive infrastructure to make future landings easier, potentially supported by limited orbital bombardment as the precedent set by the Tribalists themselves still stands. Disabling anti-orbital weaponry, destruction of ammunition and supply dumps, and disruption of local military production should be prioritized, as their limited ability to bring off-world supplies will place attrition pressure on the considerable Minmatar forces still on the planet. During this period population centres should not be threatened as this may stir a more forceful response from the TLF which, if successful, would force another halt in operations. Conduct of these missions will have to be meticulous to limit overexposure of our forces to another entrapment caused by loss of space superiority until the security of the system may be more strongly guaranteed following a turn in the overall warzone.

Once that turn does arrive, however, it will be time to restart the war in earnest. Until then, limited rescue and recovery missions should be prioritized whilst disruption missions provide both cover for them and future opportunities to a renewed invasion. I pray that my advice be taken into due consideration, and that the success of the House’s future endeavours in Floseswin and across the warzone be successful, God willing.

Lord Aldrith Shutaq Newelle
Lord Consort to Lady Mitara Newelle
Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade
Paladin Ordinary and Navarch of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order


Oye! Thank the spirits you be losing, maybe less time making fancy titles and more scrappin be better for you, by the blood of all the brothers and sisters of Matar you’d taken and spilt, it be about time.