A player market

Which part made it sound like slavery? It’s certainly not my intention and I wouldn’t mind changing the parts that gave you the impression it was.

I wonder how exactly I would explain my corp history to potential player scouts…

Yeah, I’m tradeable… Look just because I spent so long in Red Fed that I shoot blues on sight doesn’t make me bad, just in need of a proper overview.

Hmm… I think I’ve only ever been a non-director for a total of like 3 weeks since I started in 2008. Getting kicked isn’t my concern. My concern is what I said. If someone wasn’t valuable enough to keep, it’s because they wouldn’t have any qualms with doing as much damage as they can, kicked or not. It’s because I already don’t trust them, and when I kick them I make sure to schedule it around their typical online time so they don’t have any warning at all.

Maybe re-frame the idea as a private contractor/temp agency service. Allow a person to contract themselves as a member to a corp, along with a public contract history with lots of metrics for players to use to judge value. I can’t imagine a worthwhile secondary market for the contracts for the obvious reasons. And as suggested earlier, also allow it on the corp level, for corps to contract themselves into an alliance.

This kind of contract business would create a scenario where individual players have an incentive to be quality corp members to get their contract scores up. There are probably lots of problems with the private contractor idea, but it’s just off the top of my head and it’d be a far more useful for everyone than a hypothetical secondary market.

For me everything you put in bold text.
Telling people they can’t is not a good stragegy on selling something, I guess.

If you want to sell the absent of free choice, maybe talk more positive about it. Not as a lack of control… control is also work. Say it takes work off them:
A sold player don’t have to think about what they want and where they want it. The buyer will decide for them.

It creates a lot of new and interesting situations for sure. I cannot stop thinking about CODE. buying miners …

But let’s perhaps not make this about individual players but more about new players.

To be fair, if a CEO doesn’t know you, but offers you the choice to either leave voluntarily, to be sold or to get kicked, and thereby fuels a drama then it shouldn’t be our problem.

A CEO who knows his folks shouldn’t have this problem however, but be able to make a good decision. It’s then about how we want to play this game and it’s not my idea to make a suggestion, which forces you to play only in a certain way. It’s meant to give everyone more options.

If it catches on and becomes the new way in EVE, then that wouldn’t be bad at all. It would mean it’s been missing for a long time.

Kinda like I said in my first response… the existing recruitment tools in EVE are terrible, pure garbage. If there was a worthwhile recruitment system in place already, then something like this might work as an added layer. Starting with a system that has zero value (the existing recruitment system), and trying to make it 10% better, still leaves you with zero value. And, just like corp shares, complications turn it into a net negative that smart groups would try to insulate themselves from completely.

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But many new players are alts of existing players. If I create a new cyno/PI/manufacturing alt would that character have to opt out of the trade, serve X time in a random player corp, or something else?

And if it is new players, doesn’t this negate the whole idea of trading for a specific skilled need? Say I am a CEO of a small PvP corp that specializes in low sec roams. I notice we lack logi, so opt to trade for a logi pilot. If this is only for new players, I can’t exactly use a new player, I need logi. So this time counter to the idea of new players only.

I’m not sure what you mean. Consent is not assumed, but you will have to make yourself tradeable or place yourself onto the market in some way. I’m not entirely sure how this would work out in the UI, where to put it and how exactly it should get implemented. CCP’s devs will know how to answer these details much better.

If you’re saying you want to bring in an alt into a corporation then you’ll just have to ask your corporation to let the alt in. Players just wanting to change corps or creating new corps as it is now shouldn’t change.

I’ve mentioned the possibility of more drastic changes, because I know players have been demanding such things like the removal of NPC corps, which we all know won’t work this simple. But what can be done is to provide new methods and only when it catches on may it at some point in the future possibly lead to more changes. We won’t find out however if we don’t make a start by adding something new and optional.

Ok, as long as it is opt in, I think this would be fine. This way people could simply not opt in.

That said, this is EVE. If you build it, people will come. Why not start by creating this as a 3rd party tool/app?

Create a website where a character could enter API/whatever it is now to show skills, have options where they could select play times and such, then have a recruiter side where they could come in and recruit/trade. It’s not a bad idea and if it works, CCP could pull the functionality into the game.


I know what you mean, but I don’t believe it will work with a 3rd party app. What was important to me in my suggestion is to put a price tag onto a player for all the reasons listed in the OP. I also want it to work as a sort of contract with a guarantee for the ISK transfer so that the corporations themselves get the ISKs while the player gets a new home. How would you bind these two together and guarantee the payment with a 3rd party app?

ESI doesn’t currently allow ISK transfers of any kind and I doubt it ever will.

But baby steps… Rome was not built in a day. It sounds like the starting point us a LinkedIn for EVE. Players could use ESI to show skills, and a bio/resume, etc.

If this takes off, then you add in a skill cost checker where the program calculates the cost in isk it would take to create such a character using skill injectors based off current Jita prices.

After that works and trust is built up (or you can involve a trusted player to be the middleman), the site could add in a league. Any player opting to join the league could be traded. Set up the system such that a traded character gets a negotiated percent of the cost after serving x months in the new corp maybe too.

Still, the idea is to build in steps. Start with the basics and work towards the end goal. You will get there.

This exchange, to me, is the reaction I had to your original post, OP.

Your arguments in support of your suggestion, or perhaps, even in forthcoming qualifications/explanations/new iterations can do nothing to erase my first impression of your original post, and to be blunt, I see no value in your suggestion. I find slavery (even in a game) repellent.

Had the system you are suggesting been in use when I first looked at EVE, I would not have subbed.

Were it to be adopted, I would cease playing, and advise all others to cease playing as well.

Others may disagree and find your proposal has merits.

I do not.

This is my reaction to your suggestion.

So do you find that the drafts in professional sports are slavery? Because this is about the same concept.

Yes, I find that repellent as well. I am consistent in my opinion.

I cannot help you there. I was being sarcastic. A lot of people think their lives compares to slavery. It means little to me. Some people just have this kind of depressing view.

Maybe when you see it work, see players listed and their price tags, might you get interested. Chances are you might find yourself of more value than others and more than you thought you’d be worth. You won’t know before you try though.

Also, would it be bad if you found out you had less value than expected?

Yeah, that’s obnoxious. That’s where you sound like just a troll and that this is just a troll thread. And because of that, I’m changing my position.

An unqualified No.

As a new player, i find the idea of being traded like a commodity to be abhorrent. If it were a marketplace where I could list my skills and/or preferred methods of play and then recruiters could filter and send bids/targeted communications? I’d be ok with that. But the lack of choice you frame in the original post is a horrible idea.


What options would it require for you to make yourself tradeable?

I hope you understand that with the current recruitment system and the many options nobody is actually bound to anything, right? Just because a corp says they do mining ops in their description means they actually do mining ops or they owe you a mining ops.

Thus any options you want extra have to be realistic and possible to be guaranteed to you, or they’re meaningless and you’d only be flagging yourself as a player with needs, thereby making yourself less attractive and very likely lowering your value.

You then have a skill set, which you’ve chosen yourself and that you’re likely willing to use. Those I see as your main advertising features. Do you have skills, which you are no longer willing to use?

The only possibility of this functionality working… is not eve online but within the mobile game.