Noticed what look like underlying velocity of ISK related issues with the last few MERs. And am putting together a survey to try and put together a better picture of where things might be going to base some long-term goal plans on.
1, Omega?
2, Do you pay for it in USD? (Asking U.S. dollars specific to see if any worthwhile data of a knock-on effect from it)
3, Does current PvP content, on average, that you find offer the rewards or value, over the potential in game risk, you are willing to accept?
4, Do you consider yourself more a PvE player, and have you not found much currently to put ISK into?
2, Do you pay for it in USD?
→ I assume you mean real money, then yes.
3, Does current PvP content, on average, that you find offer the rewards or value, over the potential in game risk, you are willing to accept?
→ I hate PvP because I suck at it.
4, Do you consider yourself more a PvE player, and have you not found much currently to put ISK into?
→ I love PvE. As for spending my ISK, I mostly use it to upgrade my current fleet (mining and combat) to hopefully one day being able to do a little better in a PvP situation.
3: Does current PvP content, on average, that you find offer the rewards or value, over the potential in game risk, you are willing to accept? - Nope
4: Do you consider yourself more a PvE player, and have you not found much currently to put ISK into? - I run the odd event, that’s it. I mainly just pay to skill for the last year
Yes, for three months but planning on subbing longer.
I have no choice: CCP won’t accept Canadian loonies and twonies . Kidding, my purchase is in USD and that’s reflected in my receipt in Canadian currency.
I’m very risk adverse, just like I am in real life with my personal finances. The current PvP contact is something I support as important sandbox content and has an impact on what things I purchase from the market and how I skill (I focus on skills that make my frigates and destroyers work harder and smarter rather than race to unlocking the larger ships).
At my early level of player experience, I am a PvE player. There’s plenty of choices that help in ISK generation with the caveat from point 3 that the reward I pursue must be a risk I’m willing to take.
Yes. I’ve been omega for approximately 5 to 6 years.
2, Do you pay for it in USD? (Asking U.S. dollars specific to see if any worthwhile data of a knock-on effect from it)
No. I usually don’t pay any irl currency to the CCP though, the transaction is made in JPY. They don’t accept USD transaction from my foreign deposit as long as I access the website from my region.
3, Does current PvP content, on average, that you find offer the rewards or value, over the potential in game risk, you are willing to accept?
It really depends on the definition of the terms of rewards or value. in terms of ISK, I can’t say it pays, however enough acceptable.
4, Do you consider yourself more a PvE player, and have you not found much currently to put ISK into?
I’m at the side of PVE as of now. That being said, there are too much way to put my ISK into, and I’m always short of cash. Apparels, Skins, PVP investment, PLEX for maintaining subs etc.