As a general disclaimer, I of course always agree with the Khanid Royal Government and adhere to all of it’s policies, I just wanted to raise a few ideas, that may or may not help Khanid in the future.
I think the time has come for Khanid to consider abolition. Now, I know this quite shocking at first, but hear me out. I am not a Gallente ideologue nor a Minmatar subversive, I am a loyal citizen of Khanid, and I speak out of a deep and abiding concern for Khanid’s future.
Forgoing any moral reasoning on this point, I think there are several pragmatic reasons to abolish slavery.
Slaves are not taxed. They cannot own property and are by definition not paid for their jobs. This results in a large segment of the population not contributing to the common weal of the Kingdom. They economically benefit those who own them, but without paying taxes they do not benefit the Kingdom at large. And as the King and the Kingdom are inseparable, the King himself is losing money by slavery.
2. Slavery produces indolence in the slave owners. Look at our cousins in the Amarr Empire, almost all of their best technology comes from us! They are generally viewed as being the most technologically backwards of the four empires. This is because the leadership has very little motivation to make work and life easier, because their slaves already make life incredibly easy for them. But this level of comfort pales compared to comfort derived from technological advances. For now, the low-level threat of Amarrian invasion has forced us into innovation, but for long can it last while we continue to reconcile with Amarr?
3. It breeds ill will towards the Kingdom from almost every power. Since we have been taking slaves where they can found, we have enslaved peoples from every quarter. Not only have we alienated the Gallante and Minmatar, but the Syndicate, Independent capsuleers, Thukker Tribe, Sisters of Eve, and even some pirates are angry at us. We are a small power, and cannot fight the entire universe. If we annoy too many people for too long, they may decide it is best to deal with us militarily. The independent capsuleers in the outer regions may even begin to look harshly towards us. Look at the endless war between Amarr and Minmatar. I do not want to see my beloved Khanid in a constant state of war as well. And with increasing numbers of hostile invaders such as Sansha and the Triglavians, we may well need to work with others just to survive.
4. It hinders missionary work. On the heels of item three, it hinders the work of our missionaries in spreading the Faith. People are inclined to close their ears to those who would enslave them. I believe great spiritual inroads into several regions could be made if we were to get rid of slavery.
That is all I have right now. I hope and pray that my words my find their way to our wise monarch and that he may consider them a humble offering from his servant Cato the Future.