Thank you for your response, Mr Adams. It has started to clarify some things, even if it has created more cause for concern.
As I assume that when you mention its ‘corporate registration’ you are talking about some kind of identifying signal it was producing (the alternative being that it was listed in a database somewhere of secret installations), that doesn’t seem any more definitive than someone spray painting a logo on the side. Less so - since it doesn’t make very much sense that a secret facility would broadcast anything or identify itself voluntarily.
I entirely agree that whomever is responsible for this should face the light of day.
That does seem to be their frequent modus operandi, particularly now. However, it seems like it would be a strange way to go about things: making every technological effort to ensure that the station would remain undiscovered only to then advertise my own involvement in order to spread ‘fear, uncertainty, and doubt’ about myself when it was discovered.
Saying something does not make it so, Mr Adams. Though your quick, detailed reaction to this and your refusal to entertain any alternatives other than the scenario presented by a ham-fisted frame job are drawing me toward some troubling conclusions of my own.
I hope, for the sake of the honor of the person responsible, and the honor of their ancestors, that even should they have sunk to the depths of doing this thing, they didn’t murder those in their care in the commission of this farce.
That’s possible, if unlikely, and I think I’ve already addressed it. Of course, with nanite-based methods that are used now, any of us might be at risk.
I think I do, Mr Adams, more than you realize. I hope your own efforts haven’t lead you down a path you will regret to little purpose.