A open letter/request to CCP.
To whome it may concern,
Every year (or so it seems) CCP holds it convenation in Navada, why not hold one in the mid-west??
Not every one who plays EVE lives in Nav… nor can we afford to attened the convenation due to time and or financial constrants.
Does CCP know that one of the biggest Comic-Cons convenations is held every year right here in Indianapolios IN.?
Gamers from all over the mid-west and beyound attened it every year and each year it gets bigger then the year before.
A nother reason CCP should concider Indianapolis is that.
Its just 2.5 hours away from Chicago Ill. by car and in the heart of the mid-west
Every thing cost less then it does in Nav… there fore Convenation goers have more money to spend at the convenation.
So in closing why not think about it maybe have someone from CCP visit Indianapolis have a look around at our convenation centers as well as hotell’s and fine dinning.
Thank you for your time in reading this
Mr. Fred C. Straine AKA Fred Von Straine
P.S ment Navada not Cal . sorry for typo
I suspect the Toronto event is the catchall for that area being rather close to Indy…
Also, and this is dated, Indy is a bit of a pain to fly to as it’s on the smaller side. I was there twice for racing and I heard from a few people that there were no direct flight with everything going to Chicago or Atlanta first. Again though, this is very old so…
Nice city though…ate at Palomino (now closed) twice and wow, very nice pizza.
Indy is a bit of a pain to fly to as it’s on the smaller side.
LOL you haven’t been here in awhile we have a brand new airport its 3x’s the size of the old one.
I beleave there are some direct flights depending on the airlines flowen and where from.
Weird then how it’s such a go to destination for foreigners and domestics. Not to mention the 7th largest economy in the world…but ya, something something communism.
California leads the nation in poverty, its a fact look it up for yourself. The infrastructire, especially the power grid, is in major despair and needs an overhaul. The housing market is insanely overprized and the state’s citizens are paying rediculoue tax rates (theyre moving out by the thousands) with nothing to show for it, the state is billions in debt. Illegals run rampant, sanctuary cities,homeless camps,hyperdemic needles, and human feces on the sidewalks! Commiefornia IS a sh×thole! Destroyed liberal idiots and their idiotic policies!
Are you even from California?! Are you even from the U.S.?! Or you just talking out of your azz like you always do?!