A Request to CCP when it comes time for EVE's next convenation here in the United States

ok, ok made a mistake ment Nav.
my bad

As I stated in my post Chiocago is only around 2.5 hours from Indy.
Only draw back for Chicago is the cost compaired to Indy.
Hottell’s, food, transportation all cost 2 x’s as much as it does in Indy.
Don’t get me wrong I love Chicago I was born and raised there, Have lived in the western Subs. Most of my adlut life, Cicero, Oak Park, North Riverside, Berwyn. ect.
So I do know what I am talking about lol .

Im not as farmilair with Indy, not saying its a bad spot but i know there are quite a few guys that i got together with in Milwaukee that would make it to Chicago but prolly not Indy.

How hard is it to use spell check Fred?
I mean really I know if you were raised in Chicago you probably didn’t get a quality education but the red squiggly line under the myriad of misspelled words is kind of hard to miss. You are not texting, it’s ok to at least try and take your time and not come off as an illiterate buffoon.
Be the ball Timmy.
If the devs feel a need to come here for another convention aka ass-hat tour of beta nerds on spring break, send them somewhere the rest of our great nation is at least proud of…

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Lol, Texas. Hard pass.

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ok I was rather tired when I was typing besides I got my idea across and unlike you I was respectful and polite…

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