A Request to relook at resource allocation's

More than just that is needed, something like stats with:

2 pilots only (1v1 Solo battles)
<20 Pilots involved (Small scale)
then >20 for bigger fleet’s.

The numbers would vary greatly.

What is that going to tell you about inflation?

It’s not about inflation is in response to the way CCP offer stats to the public and how people use those stats to justify their response’s, a bit off topic I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry your OP seemed to be complaining that your ISK “doesn’t go as far as it used too” hence my replies. Your ISK does seem to go just as far IMO. Yes that is based on the MERS.

However you are correct that highly aggregated data can hide things. So looking at that data and saying, “Everything is fine, no problems,” could be hiding problems.

Now I wouldn’t say inflation is one of them. But there definitely can be others the that don’t show up in the MERS.

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Sort of. Depending on your in-game profession. Not everyone gets paid in isk though. You refuse to acknowledge that mineral inflation is a thing as well, and I think it’s because you obviously have an agenda at stake. Looking at the different price indices the SPI is the least mineral-focused section, and it shows the most drastic increases. If you’re mining in anything other than a rorqual, the SPI is the best indicator of your loss of buying power because it isn’t particularly affected by rising or falling mineral prices. The story the MER really tells is of nullbears doing supercarrier ratting and rorqual mining breaking the economy for everyone else. That the only thing helping to mitigate the broken economy is all the people quitting, taking their isk with them (which I wouldn’t exactly call a healthy thing), and even that’s not enough to stop the isk supply doubling over a couple short years, even with a 25% reduction in active players.

I smell agenda. I smell “I benefit from this being broken, so I’d rather it stay broken, even if it sinks the game.”


Inflation and Deflation in the real world as ideas hold. Yet in Eve where there is actually an infinite amount of not only money but also resources those ideologies fall apart. This isnt something economists can actually plan around. On earth there will only ever be a finite amount of resources, to get more we must go elsewhere, but in Eve a system will simply produce infinite resources. Even if CCP tweaks the rate of respawn the act of respawning isnt the same as recycling in the real world and so has zero correlation in the real world.

This must be taken into account when discussing inflation/deflation or any economic indexes. If it isnt taken into account then ALL economic data is by definition a lie.


The reason tech 2 ships have gone way up is this because of the cost of moongoo, particularly the microprocessor materials. Those have gotten… less cheap. I remember buying them for 30k.

No not sort of. Price indices are an attempt to determine the cost of living. Ideally we’d use a cost of living index, but we can’t because a consumer’s utility function is not observable. So we instead we use price indices.

The PPI and SPPI are for producers and are different in that the measure the prices producers get for their output. So if you are a producer in the SPPI part of the economy the price of the goods you produce are going up, in general.

Now the MPI is going down, so yes miners are earning less than previously. But the changes are within historical movements. Does the rorqual need a rebalance tweak? Maybe.

No I haven’t. Inflation is generally looked at as a monetary phenomena. What you are describing is a productivity change. People in NS can mine more in the same peroid of time than before. That is an increase in productivity. The effect has been a reduction in mineral prices as reflected in the MPI.

Which brings up another point. Price indices measure things that change prices, not just the effects of money. So the changes in the MPI likely have little to do with the ISK supply and its changes.

There is not much inflation and the money supply actually shrunk slightly last month…sure whatever you say.

First off it has taken about 5 years to double the ISK supply. The current amount of ISK int the economy is 1,138,296,556,060,710 as I f 1/31/2018. To get to about half that we have to go back to 10/2/2012 when the money supply stood at 569,452,114,237,187.

Second of all since there is so little inflation it tells me real production has increased as well.

Doesn’t sound completely broken to me.

Not quite. Most countries have a fiat currency with a central bank. So in theory vast amounts of money can be printed. And resources are not infinite IG in that most resources are produced IG by people committing their time. Since we don’t have infinite people and each of us has limited time to play the game, IG resources are limited as well.

Ahh yes the old Malthusian argument that has never materialized. You know back in 1865 the Englishman William Stanley Jevons was very deeply worried about the future of England? He was absolutely convinced England was going to run out of coal and that would be it for England as an industrial society. Of course he was completely wrong. I suggest you rethink this idea here.

Don’t put words into my mouth, i made my statement it is correct and i never said, implied or in an other fashion mentioned deflation.

You are wrong, I made that clear you dont like it so you are trying to turn what i said into something else so you can attack that argument instead and that is a fallacy argument (i dont remember the name of the fallacy and im not going to go look it up.)

The point that you are evading is that in Eve there ARE infinite resources in every system whether you like it or not. This is something that the real world doesnt have as an equivalent. To split hairs on this point is silly at best.

That we can print infinite money in both places is true but the resource difference is quite apparent.

And that literally makes a lot of what we discuss economically invalid here in Eve due to its nature as a game and must be taken into account.

Btw it wasnt the running out of resources that was ever the issue, when one begins to be economically unfeasible to procure you either raise prices or change to a more economical one. And again that only actually applies to the real world not Eve. Id like to see a respawning of resources in the real world outside of biological resources. Cuz if you can tell me how to “respawn” gold then man we are in business!!


Okay. Your obdurate obtuseness is noted. Have fun with it.

No there is not. The resources there are finite. When jump into a given system how much veldspar can you acquire? Even if you get all of it from every asteroid there is a finite amount.

Further given the limited time and technology constraints on your ability to extract it from asteroids you will likely have an even smaller amount.

And if it were truly infinite then the price would be zero.

Which is why supply and demand don’t work at all in game right? You cannot use that kind of model to discuss the in game economy because it is all based on scarcity.

Sure was for Jevons. He wrote an entire book on it. And he was wrong.

Exactly. Which is partly why Jevons was wrong. The other reason is that Jevons failed to take into account innovation and technological advancement. People already knew about oil. Back then it reduced the value of your land. But somebody figured out a way to derive something useful from it and we were off. Especially once people realized the “useless” byproduct gasoline wasn’t so “useless” and the stopped dumping it in rivers. Same with natural gas. Even solar power is becoming a thing. Point is the Malthusian based arguments have never been supported by historical outcomes. Maybe they will someday, but when a hypothesis fails repeatedly maybe we should drop it.

Sorry, that sounds suspiciously like RL economics which you just said we can’t use.

We do have renewable resources. Trees. Grass for grazing. Land. Fisheries. Livestock. Hydro power. Biomass based energy. That we may or may not manage these resources responsibly does not change the fact that they are renewable.

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Going with assuming willful ignorance on this one. It shrunk because about 1,000 botters were banned, which is a statistical anomaly plus people quitting which isn’t. That’s what the active isk delta means. If the active isk delta was zero, money supply would have risen as consistently as it has risen since the last time CCP banned a botter.


This statement is false. The supply is unlimited. In a real world gold mine the rate i extract it doesnt matter, ultimately if i continue to extract it it will all be gone. Unlike the gold mine example, in EVE i can return to the same Veldspar belt i completely mined out yesterday and it will be there again, i could have done this for 15 years straight and it will still be there everyday for me to extract even more of it.

Since the price of Veldspar isnt zero, while the supply is unlimited, your second point is also wrong.


In economics, inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently, inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money.

From an aggregate data source zero inflation may be taking place and thus, the general price level of goods and services in the economy of EVE overall is unchanged and thus no game wide inflation is occurring but sector analysis will show that the real world purchasing power of highsec miners has dropped and thus for the highsec mining sector inflation is in fact occurring.

The Op has stated that for him his real buying power has dropped thus while the aggregate economy may be showing zero inflation sector analysis paints a different picture and i believe him when he says his real buying power has dropped and so for his sector inflation is in fact occurring.

The problem you continue to express is applying aggregate data to a topic that is inherently sector based. The Op made it clear it was to be a sector based discussion but your religious furor for the MERs is blinding you to sector based analysis which this particular discussion is about.

Go find a discussion about the entire economy of EVE has a whole and proclaim at the top of your lungs the merits of the MER data, at least then it will be appropriately applied.

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So. The money supply still went down. Even if the botters had not been there the money supply would not have gone up.

Right which is why we have an infinite amount of lumber. :rofl:

At any given time the amount of lumber is finite. In gam at any given time the supply of veldspar is finite. Same goes for a range of time. The amount of veldspar for the next week is finite.

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Yes the OP and I already discussed this. He was satisfied with my answers. Why are you so butthurt you have to post this kind of nonsense?

At some point bounties got nerfed because like you say isk has been spiraling out of control. With carrier/super ratting it’s almost like something needs to get nerfed again.

That would likely kill almost every empire LP market, as incursion runners will convert their LP to corp LP to buy the useful goods. It already disincentivizes mission runners spreading out. and is essentially a softcap on LP prices any time an item gets hot it’s easy for incursion runners to convert LP and cash out on it.

and any minor 0.0 increase benefits 0.0 residents, it’s not going to lure any highsecers, to increase rewards to the point it does breaks the game.

the people making trillions aren’t running pve content, need some serious market game for that. As for nerfing BS bounties that’s going to hurt newbs more than anyone, the real highsec pve money is in burners or incursions.

the real highsec money is in industry/trade, look at the trade graph with the forge included. if we assume 3% of the trade value is profit that’s 19.5tril/month. along with ~28tril in produced stuff.

As for the missions a large portion of the the value produced is in mission rewards, bonuses, and LP, highsec bounties of course are going to lag behind null.

using your random ass numbers it’s an easy conclusion to make. what about 300mil/hour supers, or multboxed rorquals each mining 100m/hr+

High Sec mission running 20-25mil an hour sure if you’re a newb running lv3s anywhere near efficiently.

LP market is doing alright, like I said many times a large part of mission income is LP. A lot of good trade to be had with the LP stores. if people are going to ignore it well that’s on them. LP stores could certainly use a balance pass, as there are tons of useless items and/or useless for their price items, but I’d consider that another issue.

FW makes a lot of navy ships, I guess the main problem there is many aren’t desirable ships to fly. There’s a ton of faction frigs and VNIs out there though.

With refineries CCP blewup the moon goo and salvage markets. going to take a while for prices to stabilize. The last major shift in the CPI was when CCP did the ship tiericide and massively changed ship build prices.

Also you are looking at a few items, the CPI tracks a large basket of goods, most of the mineral based goods are getting cheaper thanks to rorqual mining.

I was estimating 30m/hr from lv3s with the old alpha gnosis, now that alphas can use regular BCs with t2 guns and Machs, that number should be higher.

Blitz all the way, a large portion of the value is in the LP, so find a corp with a good LP store. SoE is the easy answer as it’s super easy to trade LP and they have good agents, but most factions have an LP store or two that beats it, hard part there is finding an agent.

You gotta be sitting on billions worth of LP. cash that out LP Store - Return on ISK Uses jita buy prices for tag costs so don’t tell me the tags are too expensive or hard to acquire.

Indeed it is false, it’s about an order of magnitude too low on the high end. About right for intermediate to high lv3 running. Grinding faction for 6 months, what? to get to lv3s maybe takes a few hours. if we are talking 5+ faction standings for cherry picking and blitzing lv4s sure that will take longer but you need to train your skills and whatnot along the way. I’d guess if you learn to blitz lv3s by the time you get to lv4s you will have 5+ faction standings.

last I checked the empire tags were static drops from the empire kill missions. Farming empire kill missions can be very profitable as many people just decline those missions. My understanding is that some 0.0 angel cartel mission runners were farming minmatar tags, and it looks like they stopped, as the captain and fleet captain tag prices spiked along with the IN EANM prices.

finally some sense. all the easy isk is how plex prices have gotten this high in the first place.