A Request to relook at resource allocation's

and possibly others…

Lv4 missions, if you pick a faction, not a correct faction just a faction and pretty much do all your missions to include the Empire missions, and storylines…

Bounty + Salvage + Loot + LP conversion = easily 80 million per hour, and up to 150 million per hour in Highsec.

My namesake persona would only have one thing to say about this. Karma :rofl:

I find non native English speaking people try to be concise as possible with the English language. So much so that they end up using the English language better (proper) than native English speaking people. It would be the same for others in a different setting. It amounts to the native speaker being more relaxed and knowing the inferred or implied ambiguities. Seeing native speaker using double negatives,interchanging adverbs and adjectives with verbs can (intentionally or not) confound anyone regardless of the tongue it is versed in. I am sure wars have been started this way or at least a few bar brawls.

It has its own kind of confusional humor but I can relate to its discord.

Inferences and implied ambiguities are in the mind of the reader. They aren’t real.
If something has not been said, it cannot be said to be the antagonist’s position either as inferred or implied.

None of us are mind-readers.
We cant speculate on what has not been said.
The only real thing we know about what someone thinks, is in what they output.
That a collective contrives inferences and implied ambiguities in someone else’s output, is again, in their own head’s. Not in the actual output.

We aren’t writing poetry here.

From what Ive seen in game a lot of things are deflationary and have been for quite some time. The only aspect that seems to defy it is PLEX, similar to gold hedging in RL. We, as a whole, are printing both isk and gathering materials at staggering rates as compared to the years gone by thereby making it easier to purchase goods and items which is in direct difference to the OP and most standard realities. Now some of that supply shift has gone in the form of innovation or growth of accounts which has led players to maximize production and supply or its been done through min/maxing within the game mechanics themselves.

The changes to modules or ships that CCP buffs or nerfs, or severe changes to supply/demand, do mimic real life though again in a very odd way and do cause some serious price changes in the short and mid term as players constantly speculate on these markets and have way more isk to do this with year over year resulting in larger and larger swings and volatility in the underlying markets. Something the rich can do in RL easier than almost everyone in game over time simply because it is a game. Most people wont bet a second mortgage on bitcoin, gold, oil but in game you have a much greater risk profile simply because of the nature of it being a game.

CCP has given some stats but wil never give a fuller picture. We would game the hell out of it and really screw up the balance as players quite frankly. Ironically this also creates a competitive advantage for those who know what theyre looking at versus those that dont in the long run, another trait CCP likes.

Yet that RL and IG arent correlative 1.00 is true and Im glad you were able to agree with me on it. What interests me most would be the fullness of economic theories within game worlds such as MMOs that will develop out of these games themselves. Call it Emergent Economics if you will. The main difference between a game world and the real world is keeping players in game, tantamount to trying to not get people in real life to commit suicide (unfortunately the only real analogy here) and thereby working and supporting society, and due to this the game must be kept fun rather than in RL it must just be kept going.

So for me it isnt how it IS like real life economics but how it is slightly different. Same with the sociological and player psychology. Humans tend to remain humans. ( I know duh right) But it is the subtle changes that make up the huge swathe of the differences between.

Now on a side note. Everyone knows you goons are biased. Its okay, technically so am I. I just really enjoy winding you guys up from time to time. :wink::heart_eyes::smiling_imp:

To know and understand language is not a “magical” thing.
Words have concrete meanings. Language has format/syntax.
Its purpose is to facilitate communication between two separate persons.
If you break that shared communication’s agreed rules, you will be misunderstood and will misunderstand others.

I’m well read in poetry.
The purpose of poetry is inference, implication and other ambiguity.

We are not writing poetry here.

Computer language is not dissimilar to debate in human language.
Both are based in logic.

Language can be applied in the formats of poetry.
That does not mean language, itself, is poetry.


Logic and debate are a learned quality.
Accurate use of language to communicate, is a learned quality.
When you write ■■■■ like this, it just shows you dont know how to articulate yourself so that you will be accurately understood.

There is no “fun” in it, if your joke is not understood.
Its then just you laughing while others regard you as an inarticulate idiot.

What you dont understand, is that the way you use/perceive language is the reason why you are A) misunderstood B) misunderstand what others say.

You have failed to understand in the purpose of language, is its to communicate as accurately as possible what you think to someone else, and for you to understand their communication of what they think as accurately as possible.

Language is what facilitates a bridge between the minds of two separate people.
If you dont use the bricks to build it correctly according to the blueprint of language, you will not match your side of the bridge you are building, to theirs.


Yet here you are day after day repeatedly having to refine your articulations to nearly everyone you interact with.

Maybe one day we can discuss the details over a beer. Don’t worry I’ll pick up the tab.


Because people like you are building your side of the bridge incorrectly, and thus leading to your own misunderstandings of what others have actually said.

Sure, if you want we can discuss it on voice comms while we each have our beers.

I’m up for that. Contact me if you want to do so and we will set a time.

Meanwhile, I recommend we return to topic of thread.

Thus your own self created frustrations expecting others to be a beep bop.

It goes back to inferences and implications of knowing those inherit’s even though you assert knowing the language. It is with concision and that’s fine but to berate one for there own usage of their own tongue is well. Laughable

Its like trying to bandi words and not understand the meaning of bandi.

What you said above does not make any sense to me.
Reads like word salad to me.
Is that my fault, or yours?

Its “their”, not “there”.
“inherit’s” with the apostrophe is incorrect.

With all due respect, its quite clear I know, understand and apply English better than you do.

Its “bandy”, not “bandi”.

See what I mean now?

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The word is spelled “bandy”.
“Bandi” is not a word in the English language.

If you want to discuss this in voice comms whilst we have beer, as you offered above, I’m 100% up for that. Contact me via PM if you are interested and we will set a time.

Meanwhile, I suggest we drop this and return to threads topic.

Regarding resource allocation in EVE, what Goons are doing in Delve is unprecedented in terms of utilizing all resources at maximum efficiency.

This has already skewed various stats enormously, but arguably the economy can yet withstand it.

But what happens if 2 or 3 other NS entities get their ■■■■ straight and do the same?

Wink, wink, nudge ,nudge, know whata mean?

–Gadget :smirk:

Yeah sorry but I’ll need to see screen shots of wallet entries, mission / standing gains, loot and LP logs before I believe it.

Everyone is running around talking about inflation…and now this? :thinking:

Okay…if resources are gathered, and presumably used to make things…I can see how that could lead to an overall lower price level. But then…more ISK should be leading to higher overall prices.

And the rate of ISK growth is has not changed that much. The following shows the money supply and a simple vanilla trend line regression (the dotted line). On average about 280 billion ISK are added to the in game economy every day.

In other words…the money supply growth is about the same as it was back 2012.

Speculation…oh never mind.

Economies have been showing emergent phenomena for a very long time. Innovation and technological advancements are examples of emergence.

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But isnt it odd the growth has remained largely constant, though PCU has dropped?


What has changed is that a large portion of that money growth is going into a very small set of hands. The fact bounties have spiked but money growth has stayed the same indicates that. As the people making that extra isk are not going to be in most cases the same ones paying the new manufacturing fees.
Also the lower PCU should be resulting in lower monetary growth, which again indicates a problem in the top isk creators making a lot more per person.

Now on the whole however since creation/production also seems to be slightly higher, this may be ok, though I think a lot of that production inflation is artificial increases because some parts of the market have gone up in value, not actual throughput increase. But that’s hard to determine.


Strikes me that there is profound difference in the example:

10,000 players generating an increase of 280bil isk/day
1,000 players generating an increase of 280bil isk/day.

Is this not something that should figure into an inflation calculation?

If this historical daily isk generation is graphically plotted against PCU, surely it will show a geometric inflation rate?

For example:
-Evelandia had a GNP of 128bil per day in 2012, with a population of 10,000.
5 yrs later
-Evelandia has a GNP of 128bil per day in 2017, with a population of 1,000.

Surely the purchasing power of that isk in Evelandia, plus annual inflation, is even proportionally even less than in 2012, due to a smaller population generating as much isk as ever before?


Its always a little hard fiddling with eve-offline, but I got 43k average max daily pcu for 2012, and 33k average for 2017. ie I think that the increase in rate of isk generation and the decrease in player count are often fairly overstated.