Give it a shot. UNI is a great opportunity to both learn and teach, good resources to support you, and lots of opportunities to try different things to decide what you like to do (and what you don’t).
And, while many say the Golden Role of EVE is “Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose”, I tend to prefer “EVE is a journey and that is what is to be enjoyed”. A good friend who I made in the game once told me that while you will die a lot, you are successful if you get a chance to not die the same way twice
Oh I don’t mind dying, at all. I’ve been blown up and podded heaps of times already, lost some nice ships or whatever but I totally expected that and it’s part of the fun. What does get to me is seeing my newbro corpies getting camped and griefed by these saddos straight out of the tutorial. They just end up quitting the game, and now I feel like doing so too.
I was just wrong to start a corp. It’s just not really a viable thing for new players. If you get anywhere at all with it, the griefers notice and lock on instantly.
Feel like, aside from just heaps of saddo players, maybe it’s a lack of structured content, or how the “mercenary” players seems to have been abandoned by the devs?
I mean people can talk about how savage the game is, yada yada, but at the end of the day if new players are not able to form groups to learn the game together without being subject to constant griefing, well, something is probably wrong and the player base is not going to grow very fast… to my mind that seems like a pretty core thing any MMO should support
Wouldn’t it be as easy as introducing some new mechanics, new kinds of gameplay, new targets? I mean, the first guy who wardec’d us literally said “I’m doing this because I’m bored” – that seems to be a problem
EVE has been like this since day one. So, how did the playerbase grow to what it is now? According to you, EVE should have died off a long time ago due to the griefing, yet here it is. High sec is safer now than it has ever been.
Read again, QuakeNoob. I said “not going to grow very fast” – i’m not here wishing death on the game. I think it’s a great game. There are just heaps of bored kids with nothing better to do than kill noobs, because I guess they lack creativity or nothing better is being spoon-fed into their little mouths
Well, yes and no, I guess. I would say that there is a fair amount of structured content in the PVE world, and the agents, DED sites, provide that while the career agents expose the players that go through them to those options and some of the mechanics.
That said, there are definitely very few training wheels once the tutorial is over. Everything is essentially voluntary and it’s hard to assess the risks of different activities when starting out- until you get bit.
I was fortunate enough to have a friend play with me when I started and teach me the ropes and let me try a lot of different things. CCP has worked to improve discoverability of the content with The Agency, new tutorials, and Career Agents, but it’s still a challenge when dropped straight into space after the tutorial and you’re still learning what the hell all those icons on the screen are.
What I think would help is not so much a tweak of the content as much as helping people find fostering and constructive environments like new-player corps in an easier manner. EVE is so heavily biased towards social interaction, helping people get over that hump is arguably more important than the content options.
That said, give UNI a whirl- I think you’ll find the experience much different and more enjoyable.
well that’s exactly what I ran up against and why I decided to start my own, only to be shown that this is not a place where new player groups are encouraged. rather ruthlessly hunted down and forced to log off indefinitely or disband
The instant you implement any type of free-to-play system in a game that was once subscription-only, it tends to go downhill pretty quick from there. That’s why you have the sheer amount of griefers that there are now. Not that they weren’t there before, but now anyone can just fire up another F2P Alpha account and roll three griefer toons and keep right at it with zero consequence for their main account.
in this instance please refrain from calling him QuakeGod because he really ought to be called SomeGuyWhoPlayedQuakeABitWhenHeWasEightAndProbablyCouldntBeatALowSkillBot
I’m not certain that would be a valid name, but I suppose you can apply whatever alias to that entity that you feel is appropriate; Mr. Quake’s point remains valid, regardless. It is my sincere hope that you do find your way in this universe, and I hope that the lessons it offers are not too painful.
No, the point remains contested. Your only argument is that you are ABLE to attack other players despite the automatic, immediate punishment. I maintain that it is prohibited: CONCORD as the competent authority punish those who do not abide the prohibition.
Think of the prohibition of alcohol: speakeasies existed. Their owners and patrons were punished, if caught.
If this is the hill you want to die on, we can argue it out.
What do you want, precognition? Minority report CONCORD?
This has no bearing on the fact that it’s prohibited. You can’t prevent people from breaking rules, you can only punish them as a method to make them understand the rules.
If this is the hill you want to die on, we can argue it out.
I recognise no hills in space, only points of light, contested or uncontested.
To highlight an example of “prohibited” in High Security space; one cannot activate a Bomb Launcher in High Sec; a blatant action that simply will not occur should you try to do it. Another is the transition of a Capital Ship from any system to a High Security system; only our governments, and certain unruly piratical factions can accomplish this.
I can, however, target a mark and fire upon it, provided I accept that I will lose my vessel if the circumstances under which I attack said mark are frowned upon by CONCORD. This action is not, in any way, prohibited. I can do it, but it has consequences.
Please calm down, take a deep breath and count up to 10.
Glad to hear that a greenhorns decided to make a corp and explore he world of New Eden.
The scenario you’ve described its pretty common for small high sec corps who just started and mainly focus on indy or pve side. Unfortunately there are plenty of others who tried to ruin your game. But it doesn’t mean you can’t counter such offensive behaviors.
Rules of the thumb are:
stop feeding their killboards (which is their main target, easy kills), you just simply avoid any ops and unlocking anything other than shuttle and empty clones;
you Do Not communicate in local or answer on toxic e-mails which will follow the initial WD, simply avoid any forms of dramma, cause your tears = their gold;
there are enough info available hot to manage war decs, so your turn to do some homework;
you closing your corp, and stay with NPC which allows you to safely undock and fly arround under CONCORD umbrella until you ganked which is not their target plus you still could stay united with your corpmates no matter you are at NPC;
While do some simple precaution steps and risk mitigation planning try to find a solid corp where you could join and keep enjoying the game with good folks arround you.
Krystl Snowflake I don’t see you on the zKillboard… do you lose any ships or not?? Also, did you have 8 members in your corp or over 20? Lastly how did you get your own ‘space station base’ after only a few weeks, and what kind was it?
I agree 100% that people suck, but you should have tried to find a corp to join instead of creating a new player corp. There are tons of friendly people playing this game that could have helped you start out and teach you how to survive. Also a lot of youtube videos could have given you a better idea of what to expect and how to handle stranger danger. I speak as a carebear here, but most griefers aren’t actually sucky people. It’s part of the game. The danger needs to exist to keep the thrill of staying safe worth it! I’d be bored to death if the risk of suicide bombers didn’t exist. Also, surviving a war dec is simple, as already pointed out.
Posting on an alt because I dont need everyone looking at my business like you are trying to. Yes I lost ships, I have lost quite a few in total, but only 2 cheap frigates to the war deccers. I said we had 20+ members but the core group is (was) about 8. An Astrahus … it costs like 10 bucks… not that unbelievable.
Why 20 questions?
I did try, like I said… couldn’t really find what I was looking for so I tried to create it.
Thanks bud for your advice. Indeed I had read a lot of stuff, watched a lot of YouTube videos. I knew we would probably have to deal with war sooner or later, I just didn’t expect five wardecs in our first couple weeks, with brutal 24/7 camping. I figured we do not have anything worth declaring war over. How wrong I was! Griefing brand new players is apparently worth it!
You do understand that your entire argument hinges on an incorrect interpretation of the word “prohibit” right? Again I will point you to alcohol prohibition. It was against the rules. It was prohibited. People did it anyway, and were sometimes punished.
Dropping a bomb like you are talking about, or bringing a Titan to high sec are not “prohibited” actions, they are “impossible”. There is a big difference between what is possible and what is allowed. Are we on the same page here?
Had I said “it’s impossible to attack other players in high sec” your argument would be valid. It’s not impossible – it’s just “normally prohibited”
We are, I admit, operating under differing interpretations of the word “prohibit.” It does, indeed, mean that an action has been deemed unlawful, or so I have learned.
(Leaving my game persona aside for a moment, my point of contention was that the game itself, under CCP’s rules, actually does permit, without threat of action against the player’s account, the act of attacking another player in High Security space. There is an in-game consequence, CONCORD, yes, but the action is allowed. I hope that clears up any misunderstanding.)