No disrespect but you got to clean this post up. I’m not sure why the edit feature is turned off but you can see I deleted my first reply to you and cleaned it because it was full of typos and broken English crap.
You do know that EVE’s main player base is not US right, and that all the EU players have gone to bed. Historical data says that this is not a prime time for EVE, it’s not quite the lowest, but it certainly is a low time for EVE player numbers. Doing some research first helps when you want to use claims like that.
I still consider myself a newbie industrialist.
I run one character.
I really have no plans to run more, but we will see.
I have no cash flow. I used to be able to mine and end up with enough to get a new skill book or a new blueprint occasionally.
Now the blueprints I manage to get have components required that I have no real chance of paying for or making myself or otherwise acquiring.
I find that the blueprints I had are now modified. Some mining ships require more difficult to get (by me) ore than a cruiser. Quite a few items are like that now. There is no longer any logic to it.
I can no longer mine for what I need. The idea of fly what you can afford to lose comes to play. I cannot afford t2 fits. I cannot afford to have 50-60m hulls blown up because I had to go mine in lowsec somewhere. I don’t want to live in a venture forever.
I don’t have the cash flow to put buy orders in for minerals and ore all the while competing for those same sources of minerals and ores from nearby systems.
My next growth progression step seems missing.
I cannot pvp. I can barely PvE. I drive a potato. That’s not going to change. It is my lot in life.
I spent a lot of time mining. I gather that the ccp doesn’t want us to mine. I ironically now find myself having to spend more time mining than I already did just to supply what little industry I can at my chosen station. I mine more, not less. And I am getting much less to show for it. As a new player, this is frustrating.
I keep hearing “pay to win”. I already “pay to play”. If this becomes a game that requires rl cash to win, count me out. I will not go down that rabbit hole.
I do not know the ins and outs of everything.
I do for the most part prefer solo play.
That requires no commitments on my part.
I can play or not play and do what I want when I want without feeling any obligation to any other group or person. It is a game. I want to enjoy it on my own terms.
How advanced do I now need to be to even make fuel blocks?
I haven’t even started with reactions yet .
I’m still working to buy skills, let alone train them.
Something I have noticed… people with obscene amounts of wealth cannot spend it all. It ends up sitting in a pile doing nothing. It’s mere existence is not a realizable threat to eves ecosystem. Yet it seems like those piles of isk or resources or ships are being looked at and made into some sort of evil that needs to be eliminated. What real problem are they creating?
I like my retriever. I worked hard to make it. I’m not sure I can still do that… I don’t want to go back to venture mining. These changes seem to prevent me from advancing.
This may all be premature. I don’t know the roadmap. I don’t know really how even this change is going to turn out. It does seem like a relatively elegant system was just messed up. This is from a new player looking in, not an old salty vet that knows everything and has done everything looking backwards. Those perspectives are considerably different.
Just my 2.5 cents…
This repost brought to you by slow mode*
22k players (rounding up) online on a Saturday in us prime. Great job!
See previous
Yes, having losses matter is good. If the food is too expensive there will be nothing to eat. 600m t1 battleships are completely fuckįng ridiculous.
Let that happen, ffs. Seriously… watch and see what happens if you can just trade irl money for ships and fits directly out of thin air.
Player count is up i duno where u are getting your data …as for the current prices on hulls ,‘ridiculous’ is kinda harsh word .Prices right now are on the right path ,but pre patch prices where a joke buying a titan at 30 bil , bs where 150 mil etc.About trading real money for ships and fits we are getting there ,everybody wants that ,also all other games have that.U understand ccp doesn’t read the forums …so there are 2 options adapt or find another game .i hope u adapt and remember don t fly something that u can t replace.Remember how ccp went back on the black out thing ? It wont happen this time cause the player base support this changes .CSM support this changes (most of them) and people vote them to be in the csm .U need to understand u are the minority .The new meta is spread out no printing isk and healthy pvp - economy . \I rly hope u try the new game its great.
@ntopios I don’t know where you get all those insider information from, it’s really amazing and man, you’re like God.
a 150m pirate faction frigate is the right path (no thanks)
buying ships and modules with cash (no thank)
If you’re talking about the 3x price is justified because “Vale of the Silent” is generating 3x the bounties with all the ppl ratting 23/7 and rest of Eve are working (not gaming) 8hrs a day, then I can see the logic. This is the only thing I can derive from the MER that you so linked to explain your position and undying support for Eve to be a P2Win.
No thanks, I already Pay 2 Play, and I don’t need CCP to tell me that I need to go and do things I don’t like to do, like they’re doing now. Forcing ppl to change playstyle, migrate, so if your “vision” comes to fruit then I’m surely happy to be out again.
I do have many other enjoyable games I can play, so I don’t need to adapt or die, I’ll just let my assets dust or wait until CCP makes them obsolete but don’t even start thinking if anyone can have my stuff cause it’s a dead no.
Even large organizations within the game, with far more clout and sophisticated tools to analyze situations, are in no-mans-land right now with regard to the changes. So you (or I) are not alone in that feeling. Our only resource right now is our personal flexibility. In EvE, to keep the income safe, you always need at least one back up plan to acquire isk. Often that requires studying the changes and looking for new opportunities. Perhaps you can make an obscene amount of isk by using cheap ventures to go gas huffing - small investment, bigger risk, even bigger profit ? True, the curve ball they throw us now is even hard to see, but you either wait for someone else to come up with a solution or go out and look for a solution that suits your enjoyment and interests. Btw, you can find tons of information on how to do “pve” efficiently. Any decent player corporation can assist you as well.
it’s only because the prices are adapting.
Stop cherry picking.
A succubus is 49M right now, a hookbill 20.
I agree that the BPOs were released too close to the actual change, so people had not enough time to research them fully.
Stil, making up a general case from a local spot is complete stupid. The market DOES evolve, sometimes an item reaches a huge prices - does not mean that this item is actually intrinsically worth that value.
I respect your personal opinion , but in the end of the day its just your personal opinion .Please try not to enforce it to the rest of the players.You mentioned about ‘vale of silent’ , that is rly low targeting a specific group …and next thing is ‘oh the whole problem with the economy started when that group came from serenity’ . That is not true and it is racist.Everyone in the game is making isk throw rating pi manufacturing exploration wh etc . Its u and like 10 more people that are complaining .Eve is geting healthy again ccp has all the data and when they talked in several twitch shows they are happy with the results they have only positive feedback from the player base and are truly doing god works here.
And this is not my opinion csm believes that too, I do not do any industry but i know that the industry people like the new changes .And since u will say they are not etc watch this video Twitch skip to 44min and listen to a csm member that is doing industry ,hear the opinion of the small ordinary industry guy .I hope u leave the mentality of i don’t like changes and give healthy eve a chance .The rest of us are enjoying the game right now u should give it a try
Best post of the year. Just what I want in my FANTASY GAMING!! A boss (large alliance) just like I have in real life working for a fortune 500 company! I played eve to escape.
Buddy, just let me know when I can mine Kernite and Omber again in High Security in relativity safety again. Not into having a NULL SECURITY/CSM member ordering me around.
That is the price it should have in the first place .
Ore mining, R4 moon goo, PI, data site loot, gas, WH gas, etc, I think they called it entry points for people to take part in industry. But all those professions have highest competition, lowest margins, and are prone to “minerals I mine are free” way of thinking. These “gatherers” will not benefit from new industry I think.
Market guys will benefit. Industry big bois will definitely benefit.
Rich get richer, poor get poorer. Just sayin.
That is factually false.
We can all see the launcher, until they hide that…
How dare you! Ignore that man behind the curtain Dorothy !!!
Not sure what your daily experience with eve is,
But after a year and a half, doing L4 missions, some small industry (building bp from faction LP), I went from 40 bil networth a month ago to 50+ now doing esentially this:
Marauder L4, + burners, reprocessing loot and sometimes buying stuff to reprocess in to minerals.
Living mostly near Hek, Dodixie market is full of opportunities, salvaging loot for minerals netting me 200 milion when, i visit a hub.
Market was and still is super hungry for minerals.
I am thinking of making nrw bpos, got PI setup for base blueprints.
For the first time in year and a half I feel like I can compete with Veteran industrialists.
stoned ?
thats rly not what this patch is all about .CCP for the first time is bringing content its all about helping the little guy and hit the big cartels, throw redistribution .Now people cant produce everything just listen to ccp developers .There are a lot of opportunity for the little industrial guy the lone miner the regular trader .
says who ?
Maybe they will, and maybe they won’t.