A solution to the Maleatu Shakor problem (and other leadership woes)

The government of Prime Minister Karin Midular was full of traitors and collaborators that not only would sell out their own people to the enemy, they in fact did sell out our people to the Amarr Empire under the Karsoth regime. Their corruption knew no limits and they all merited their fates. To the last one of them.

I ought to know, I took part in gathering the intelligence on their activities as part of the resistance network against corruption and treachery across the collaborationist parliamentary republic. Even Karin Midular, may her spirit ever rest on the Mikramurka, came to know the truth of how far her ideals had been undermined by the traitors in our midst.

I for one am proud of my role in bringing that second dark night to a much shorter conclusion than would have been possible if those loyal to the tribes had not acted to end it.

I am also deeply disturbed by the extent to which capsuleers who call themselves “Matari”, and beat their chests over loyalty and the survival of the tribes, are willing to stand alongside the Amarr and call for the assassination of the Sanmatar and the destruction of our Tribal Council.

Matar Planetary Security and the Republic Security Services have taken note of the capsuleers involved in the promotion of Amarr propaganda, radical Gallentean anarchist terror and a call for the overthrow of the traditions and laws of the Seven Tribes of Minmatar.

Disturbing and shameful as this all is, we are also disturbed by reports elsewhere of collaboration between Amarr and Minmatar militia forces. Perhaps something will have to be done to cut out the rot and cauterize the wound. Once again.

Kril Efrit

Matar Planetary Security