You are the reason why the federation must be destroyed. In a good way.
You rock the cueball look pretty well.
Your stoic acceptance of your numerous appellations is surely an inspiration to all
I love your passion and how you speak up for those who might not otherwise. Despite the animosity of others, you continue to rise above and defend people
Lasairiona Raske has Useful Opinions to Share on the subject of Childcare.
Reading Synthia’s posts always bring a smile to my face, usually for very different reasons on each one, but always achieving the same result.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the description you had of your flag ship. I think it’s wonderful you still interact with your crew from the ship, as well.
Your financial release posts are usually a very nice read.
I greatly appreciate your vigilance, even more so when I sleep.
I admire the courage of your convictions and the tenacity with which you hold to them - even if I don’t understand them all, let alone agree with them.
Mr. Tuulinen, you maintain your body in a very good shape, you have awesome build, well trained muscles and very large hands!
I’d like to spar with you someday again.
You are the among the greatest of all living Caldari pilots, among the greatest of all living Caldari patriots, and a worthy champion for the memory of the greatest Caldari of recent history, Tibus Heth.
Your devotion to your personal religion is legendary, your integrity remarkable, and I can sometimes not tell when you’re joking.
You make a wonderfully epic drinking buddy and friend. We should get together some time again soon!
You are a good person.
Nice hat.
Is that a monocle? If so I like it.
I like people that like monocles.
I’ve been hoping to see you post here, my Lord.
Where do I begin?
In an effort not to make things overly lengthy, I’ll say this: I am truly blessed to know you. You are a highlight of my life, and I know you are to others as well. Perhaps for different reasons, though.
You are one of the few people who have posted well on these new boards.