Letâs see - Summit Post concerning Federation affairs. State Protectorate pilots raising the Militia War Powers Act, check. Imperial-aligned pilots gloating about the supposed immorality of the Federation, check. Intaki separatism. Check. Summit as usual, then.
Back to the matter at hand. The Federation does possess sole authority to legislate in respect of stargates utilised for the Federal Armed Forces, although those that are exclusively civilian in nature can have some limited oversight by the member states and have done so historically, despite the Federal Stargate Authority having almost exclusive control over most if not all interstellar stargates now within the Federation. The construction of and subsequent operation and associated maintenance is very much a matter for the Federal authorities, as it should be considering the ramifications should one member state elect to exert undue influence over parts the network at the expense of others. A level playing field overseen by the Federation is a less convoluted and more efficient system than relying on the Franchise system.
That said, one of the primary raisins the Federation exists is that of serving the people of the Federation. When the Federation takes the step of intervening in the affairs of the member states or taking steps that could affect them, they will of course consult their representatives. It is not an endeavour that is ever taken lightly, and very rarely unilaterally. I am surprised that you were not informed, although if you were indeed not made privy to the intentions of the Federation, perhaps this post could have been phrased in the essence of a Freedom of Information Request to the District Parliament or the Federal Administration. As citizens of the Federation, you have a right to know what the Federation is doing in your system of residence. The right to question our government is a core ideal inherent to the Union, which although we elect those that we entrust will act in our best interests, that ability to question and enquire is a method of holding them to account for their actions taken in your name. Foreigners that are not familiar with the Federation would do well to explore what Federation citizens can and cannot do rather than comment out of ignorance.
We also do not know for certain if this Stargate under construction is intended to be connected to the Athounon system. Any such attempt would be irresponsible considering itâs current occupation by Triglavian Collective force elements, which would be a direct violation of the Federationâs responsibilities. For all we know, and considering the distance of the Verge to Placid, Fislipesnes is a more likely location for a regional stargate. Before we condemn the Federation, let us be made aware of the facts that constitute the rationale behind the construction of the Stargate in question.
Considering the Federation was clearly strong-armed into accepting the terms of the Militia War Powers Act by CONCORD and the implied threat of planetary devastation in Luminaire at the hands of the Heth regime at the time, it is an unfair question posed by a member of the State which had a critical role in igniting the CEMWPA Conflict which endures to the present day. Even more so when the Verge has suffered just as much as Placid in the duration of this conflict.
It would also be a gross disservice to those to sue for peace whilst the vast majority of the Federal Defence Cordon remains under occupation by the State, as it would have been a disservice for the State to sue for peace when the shoe was on the other foot with the majority of the Citadel and Black Rise under long-term Federal occupation. Contrary to what you may think of the âdemocratic farceâ, the Federation would not accept any settlement against the interests of the member states trapped within the Cordon. We know what the State does to those it believes it can act against with impunity.
Besides the point, to end the conflict would require the unanimous agreement of the Big Four to overrule the legislation signed in CONCORD. War is not what the Federation has ever desired and we certainly prosper more in peacetime than in conflict.
An Empire founded on and sustained by the bedrock of human enslavement, empowered through the obliteration of foreign culture and identity that differs from that of old Athra through force of arms and championing universal submission has no authority to speak of civility or ethics.
You know full well that the Federationâs structure is wholly unlike the Imperial structure you are familiar with, with comments comparing the two disingenuous at best and outright offensive at worst. The Federationâs values are the result of thousands of years of philosophical thought and development of the idea that individual liberty and agency should be at the core of society, underwritten by honest and moral leadership as part of a greater society of individuals and nations that compose what is now the Federation.
You will know that as much as I am a stalwart supporter of what the Federation stands for, equally I shall be itâs critic where it fails. And failed it has, many times, necessitating enormous alterations to ensure that it could survive and remain legitimate. I could go on, but I fear that we are getting off-topic and diverting from the original purpose of the thread, which is concerning the Stargate under construction. If youâd want to have a civilised discussion (according to what you deem to be civility), I am more than open to having it face-to-face.