About the botters...?

I’m not offended in any way, but do you feel curses impact your point? Most here seem to flag freedom of speach essentially. <-speech? I think I must’ve written over that part of my brain?
I’m having fun in the game, but waiting on my orders while training, coming on the forums at least provides some entertainment? Margin trading skill ftw?

Speech. :slight_smile:

I don’t feel like curses are anything more but an honest emotional expression. I actually doubt most people flag at all, to me it mostly seems that some people flag as if they were most.

I can tell you that “asshole” definitely isn’t a reason why I’m getting flagged and I have posting histories to prove it. :blush: It was a long, hard road until we’ve collectively reached this point, btw. :smiley:

The problem really isn’t people who are cursing. The problem is people who don’t, despite clearly exposing feelings of anger expressed informs of ■■■■■■■■ accusations, tons of rage-typed typos and passive aggressive behaviour. They’re not honest. They’re hypocrites, liars and they’re hiding something.

Political Correctness especially is nothing but fascism disguised as good manners. These usually are the same people who cry for censorship, cry “think of the children” and cry for safety. The most toxic pieces of ■■■■ ever.

See also:

I honestly wished more people would come here for interesting discussions, but the toxic assholes don’t want that to happen, especially when it comes to certain topics.


If you step away from the game for years you realize it’s not important to your everyday life. That’s what I found at least.

Now retired, I can come back, perhaps spend a few hundred bucks on injectors and have a decent character for what I want. I heard there were changes to war declarations? That would suck for the mercenary type I suppose or those who have taken advantage of it?

Also something like a collective on twitter would be nice, it’s not as bad as far as censorship.

I WON’T TRY that traveglian space though. I got a lot of those calm things if anyone wants any…I might try one when I get a Gila(?) new drone boat? I hear they’re best but i dislike thinking too much.

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You should look into abyssal deadspace. Some of the filaments are pretty easy. I wouldn’t walk into one with anything expensive on the first try, though.

As far as mercenary… I don’t have high hopes for that profession at this time. However, there are plenty of corps that have refineries in .5 security. You can always war dec them. Not sure if that would be fun or not, though.

Unlike that tora bushido, I adapt, he dies in eve as insignificant :0

You have no idea who Tora is, hu?

I saw him being some arrogant prick, no idea who he is. Likes killing noobs with RR I hear.

of course there are big differences:

  1. bots will warp out as soon as a “red” appears on local, which makes them not so easy to catch. Afk ratting/mining “real” players can be tackled and killed easily
  2. bots will automatically warp to a new site, and do it 24h/24, and will earn loooots of isks. Afk ratting/mining players will stay in the same site as long as they are afk. If their roid/belt/combat site has been cleared they will stop earning isks
  3. bots = against the rules, afk playing is not. Like in poker, you see: bluff is ok, but having 2 aces hidden in your clothes is against the rules. And in a game we all have to play with the same rules.

Whole systems in hi get virtually no one in them now, if you’re looking for bots most are either mining Ice (as its always in the same systems) or moongoo (not hard to find in 0.5 systems).
As for the ice belts there aren’t even that many bumpers or gankers left to discourage the botters, even they have gotten bored and left the game.
There’s no real isk to be made in in asteroid mining and botters aren’t going to be running hi-sec missions as there’s no isk in that either.
If you want to find them look for a system with Ice that hasn’t had any recent ganks, it’ll be full of them.
Instead of obvious huge fleets of mining ships they just set up fleets of stand alone Orca’s in Ice belts, take a look at any Ice belt, they are full of them.

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