Depends on how you define war. If you compare it to a Nullsec “war” then it will look different. If you ask everyone in this thread what they consider a highsec war to be, I imagine you would find a bunch of different answers. I like that in a highsec war, you can use them for many purposes and reasons and if that involves there not actually being a kill, that’s fine.
Sure there is. Kills, player interaction, glory, stories of extortion / ransom / piracy, loot, space denial, structure removal, and plenty of other reasons. Reasons to defend are in a lot of cases directly opposite from the reasons to attack.
This is Player-made content through a game mechanic. It’s working as intended and despite the rhetoric you like to parrot along with others, does create interesting content. It may only be fun or interesting for one side because of most players desire to want to grind or farm uninterrupted, but… this is Eve Online not a farming simulator.
I enjoyed the watchlist, but it is entirely possible to hunt or pursue a specific target. We mostly because spoiled and super-lazy when we had the watchlist and never were forced out of that rut of laziness because we have trade hubs and pipes to watch for targets.
On any given day there are plenty of targets that I’m running locators for, checking killboards, and sending my scout 80+ jumps in a play session to check on targets. What happens is that most of them end up dropping corp to avoid it. So again, don’t let the lazy players fool you into thinking it’s just too hard!
I dunno, the opportunity for content is there when I’m taking your POCO or Upwell structure away from you. I recognize that in most groups case, the amount of wars they have for that kind of content may not always be dominant. What is wrong with trade hub denial or killing mission runners? Do you remember during WWB when contracts were paid for groups like VMG to hunt and destroy Nullsec logistics? Do you remember how often we were slaying freighters and jump freighters?
Actual fleet fights do happen. What typically happens is that when a group is successful in getting a fight, that baiting or some other creative use of mechanics are used. The complaints you hear of these low and Nullsec elitists is when they just plainly roam their gang through the pipe, totally not trying to do anything creative or sneaky and they will get scouted. The war dec group will make a call to fight if they think they can take them and in a lot of cases will overkill to ensure victory. If that condition isn’t met, they they’ll dock up and the low or null elite pvpers will cry in disgust that they either didn’t willingly whelp into bad odds or were tactically superior in the form of neutral logi, neutral bumpers, or using other creative and handy uses of mechanics.
It’s a joke, really
A large number of wars is not a problem. Just because it’s not always full of content or even the type of pvp that you enjoy doesn’t mean it’s worthless. Yes so it seems that a large number of people that get dec’d never see their aggressors outside of a trade hub… who cares. If you want to experience a fight and get the chance to dictste your experience please feel free to declare war on someone else.