I don’t believe that aarons kind of decisive battle where they take the fight to what is fundamentally an amorphous opponent that doesn’t need to be in any particular place at any particular time is much of a reality. ie there is a bigger gap than just knowledge. Maybe some of the bigger ones have some poco exposure, I dunno.
You mean like real warfare, your enemies don’t walk around with GPS beacons announcing their every move
EVE warfare actually gives you far more intel than a real war, you can tell exactly how many enemies ar ein local, you get all of their names, you already know the exact size of the force you’re fighting
This has been the preferred option since 2013-2014, long before the watchlist change tho… nothing new. Its called “hubcamping” and the only viable option atm.
That is not much of a response. You completely side stepped the point I was making about information and that you brought up. Here is what you wrote,
That is largely about understanding how the game mechanics work, especially in a combat situation. How do we get those being war decced to learn about and understand these things so they can take them into account when fighting? Not knowing these things and trying to fight will likely make the fight very lopsided. And that is going to make it more likely players on the losing end of that fight will leave feeling that the game is unfair or that the other side cheated.
Look up their war history. How many wars do they have active? How long do their wars last? How many kills does each war involve? Are they looking for a pay-off or are they looking for kills? Will they spend time hunting you or do they have lots of wars active and hope for targets to fly past them?
Look them up on killboards. See where they kill, who does the killing and what they kill. Are only a few of them active? Do they only bash structures? Do they only operate in certain areas?
Look them up on evewho. How many people leave? How many join? Are they just a front for another bigger corp?
Set them to low standings so they can be identified in local easily.
Keep local in a separate window. Check who enters and leaves the system. If you see a war target enter, either dock up, gtfo or prepare for a fight.
Pay attention to what you’re doing. Use d-scan if you don’t want to run or hide.
Carry on as normal.
If all else fails, switch to your alts for a week.
Actually the complete opposite. They have a constant GPS beacon but can completely vanish out of existence with the beacon still active
For local that is not true in wspace for example. Also this is a game and not reality, the main driver is conflict and the purpose of a war is to shoot each other. It would be really helpful to maybe know if something to shoot is actually online, otherwise it is kinda boring.
There is no need for a war when shooting WH dwellers, its 0.0 they can shoot you just because they feel like it, well thats part of the fun, not knowing if something is online, you could spend hours hunting for targets that were all offline, which is time they wasted not you
I don’t see a problem with wars, you can easily sidestep the system if you want or participate if you choose to, nobody is forcing you to fight in a war and you have tools to either avoid it or to hire people to do the fighting for you
I think the problem is that there is nothing “meaningful” to fight over. That is it is just a way for some players to get kills, and others to just die.
Of course, out of that, some do respond positively on the “defending” side. They learn about the mechanics and either start war deccing or move to LS, NS, w-space or the like and start doing stuff that most HS players (excepting all the NS, LS, w-space alts) do not do. That is probably the best way to get people to stay. How to get this dynamic to be more…inclusive–i.e. include more players…IDK. But if we could figure that out or more accurately CCP, it might be good for the game.
I’m not side stepping anything, i’m pointing out that one side has a desire for a decisive battle to claim a victory, and the other side has no need to give it to them, and I question the point of such efforts, the ability to motivate a bunch of highsec players to even front up, or for them to actually win such a thing, ie it could well be a decisive failure due to inexperience even if in theory sufficient firepower was brought up to win the day.
PVP is a task that requires repetition and experimentation to be good at (for most of us mortals).
Which is why I’ve suggested in all of aarons threads that recruiting a core group of people to solve the problem with instead of trying to solve the problem first is a better way to go about it. If you have a core of people that will pvp regardless of being in a war, then its very easy to add more people to that and maintain a culture of pvping.
I think you completely misunderstand me. I have no problems with the war itself. I have a problem with the fact that CCP just suddenly removed a tool which was useful to actually find wartargets which are online.
I don’t really wardec myself because of this. But I sometimes get wardeced because of the things I do and if the people stick around a couple of systems it is actually fun. If they move 30 jumps away and I have to send a scout after them just to find out they are offline it becomes old very fast and that’s a shame.
To be perfectly honest I don’t really care much about wardecks. My corp lives in NPC null so unless I really had planned prolonged stay in HS I simply stay in Null. However some mechanics should (in my opinion) be changed. I speak mostly about usage of out of corp logistic alts that provide the aggressor with links and reps. Since attacking war target doesn’t affect security status nor trigger the suspect/criminal timers out of corp logis can aid the attacking ships without the fear of war target’s retaliation (since it would trigger Concordoken). I know it works both ways but in the end turns into a game of “who have the most alts”. Fixing it may not be easy but it should be possible to link it to weapon timers. Simply put attacked ship should be allowed to attack ships that provide the aggressor with logistic support, the same way they gain right to retaliate when they are shot at. And preferably add kill rights on those logis after unavoidable demise. Should fix at least one major problem with Wardecks