Also it was some kind of abyss base in the pocket.
It wasn’t easy, but I survived. Loot:
So, some questions:
Is it normal behavior of the abyss key now to send me randomly to the normal abyss or to this base pocket?
Is it necessary to kill everybody in the pocket like in normal abysses?
Is this loot worth anything? What can I do with it instead of trashing? Trivary Datastreams was before, but it was just useless pieces of lore. Semiosis Conduction is new, and abscent both on market and on contracts.
Seems CCP has stopped putting the stuff on the test server first due to players figuring everything out and posting guides about it before the content is even implemented.
The problem is not that new content was implemented on Tranq before SiSi. Problem is it even wasn’t mentioned in any patchnotes. So, nothing will lower your surprise.
This looks cool! I’m a collector of Abyssal items, I’ll buy the “Semiosis Conduction” stuff for 25 mil. You can set up a private contract in Jita under my name.
Abyss was all about surprising and figuring out from the very beginning. If the gate is open straight away, you really do not need to kill anything in that pocket - just take the gate if you are not curios
Getting updated intel beforehand is the right thing to do, military forces do it all the time. Definitely don’t want to go into a hostile situation totally blind.