If what you define an “extremist” by is their tone of voice and choice of wording, you are in for a couple of surprises in your life yet.
No matter how many times you or Aldrith try to say that… they’re really not. And you really shouldn’t.
It’s not exactly something any of the actual Amarr have disagreed with, Aria: the Reclaiming is a divine mandate. Everyone must be brought into submission to God. That means all other cultures must be exterminated. It’s just a matter of how, when, and in what order.
Quite a bleak prospect.
But let us also recognize that the Amarr who desires peace with, let alone the freedom of, the heathen Minmatar is rare as well. Yet we still can (and do) maintain a peace and change minds as we do so.
As regards this argument about “feud” and what it means.
Do you not have any instances of persons making an oath such as:
“Against these our oath is laid: The sons of (first involved party), and the sons of (second involved party), for it is they who led their kinsmen against our kinsman. Against their sons, and their sons’ sons, to the most distant generation. May their brides be barren and their priests burn in hell, for they murdered our kinsman and all his family, man and wife, father and mother, brother and sister, to the youngest suckling child. There is blood between their children and our children, until the stars die and the heavens fall.
Signed: (primary oath swearer), (secondary oath swearer)”.
See, now, that’s one of the traditional oaths that people swear, when declaring a certain kind of feud.
Do you not have anything similar ?
Many Clans have different variations of similar sentiment. Some far simpler, some far more formal and ornate. Most of the time they don’t have to sign things, though.
Really? … Are you sure?
Some comments from the Matari side-- Teinhyr’s, I think? Seemed to suggest a certain exhaustion with her from her own theoretical allies. Also she accused Arrendis of all people of being a … what was the term … conciliator? Collabo-- no, that wasn’t it.
… anyway, basically of standing by whistling cheerfully while the Amarr do awful things. Arrendis herself talks about genocide kind of a lot, though, so…
If those two aren’t extremists, I’m not sure who would be.
but you get the point, surely ?
That there is a world of difference between something like that, and people having a 20 year argument about a hedge that divides two properties featuring various passive-aggressive actions such as loudly mowing the lawn early in the morning and so on.
They promote what some might consider extreme measures, sure. They’re pro-war. They’re anti-conciliation and anti-compromise. But that doesn’t make them extremists.
They aren’t radical beliefs. They aren’t uncommon. They aren’t nonsensical. And they aren’t something that will go away if you ignore them.
I have no idea what that means.
Banging air filters at horrible times of day, just to piss off the neighbor.
Arrendis, the distinction you’ve never seemed to make here is that the Reclaiming is an undertaking with no timeline and no specific method. The goal isn’t success in X years or even X centuries; it’s success, ever, at all. However long it takes. By a lot of accounts, success isn’t even guaranteed, so they’re wise to take it slow.
The Amarr, with their borderline-gerontocratic culture and institutions and their talent for life-extension technology, play a long game to start with.
And regardless of what method they choose to push, the world gets to push back. That might involve missiles and particle cannon. It could involve tea and long, thoughtful discussion. Probably, over time, there’ll be some of both (I kinda hope for less of the former and more of the latter).
And change isn’t all one way. The Empire of today isn’t exactly like the Empire at the start (the Moral Reforms happened, for one thing). If the Amarr were one day to succeed in truly combining all peoples under a single vast, unified civilization … I wonder how much that Empire would look like the one that exists now.
Even if they can win, that ambition of theirs isn’t really a reason to panic. Things change, you know? … It’d be neat to see how it might all play out.
Sure, there’s also formal declarations, both in rituals and in courts of law.
So, really, Aria, enough with the condescension. What you say is the distinction I don’t don’t seem to make, I explicitly said. And no, success isn’t guaranteed, that’s why they have to keep at it. It doesn’t matter how long the game they play, the end they seek is still the same: Annihilation of all other cultures and ways of life.
If I tell you I’m going to drive a stake through your brain, one inch a year, and then try to do it I’m still trying to drive a stake through your brain. You’re not going to laugh it off because I only pop up every few months to give the hammer another tap.
You’ve already hitched your wagon to their cart. This isn’t panic, this is rejection. No, that would not be ‘neat’. It would not be ‘neat’ to have my family turned into their puppets. It would not be ‘neat’ to see our entire way of life obliterated. Spirits below, have you become that much of a lapdog? Even a year ago, you wouldn’t have been saying it would be ‘neat’ to see all your own beliefs outlawed and your people crushed under their boots.
And that’s the only thing they’ll settle for.
So … you’re planning to obliterate the Gallente, too, then, right?
… people turn up all the time, trying to change who we are. Some of them are our friends or loved ones.
It seems maybe you’re even doing that with me right now. Should I try to obliterate you for it?
The Gallente openly state that they subscribe to multiculturalism. They also don’t have a divine freaking command to annihilate all other cultures.
And no, you go ahead being who you’ve decided you want to be. Just never try to claim you’re objective or interested in the truth when you indulge in false equivalences like that one.
Whataboutism? Really?
I think you’re wasting your time, Arrendis. Jenneth is nothing more than a slaver mouthpiece now.
Whatever the cause, we all try to manipulate each other. Some think the universe is on their side. Some don’t.
I don’t remember ever claiming to be objective, Arrendis. … I do try to see clearly, but, I guess, maybe the world gets in the way. I guess it’s true: if you want to see clearly, avoid attachment.
… I guess there’s nothing else to say. I have my place in this world. You have yours.
So be it, then. I’ll play my part to the end.