Then it is clear. Revenge strikes aren’t helping. Getting angry isn’t helping. We should switch gears.
So, instead of continuously banging our heads against the wall that is the Amarr Empire’s borders, we should now turn inwardly and strengthen ourselves. Yes, I believe that negotiation is an option. In fact, we may even have plans, terms with which to use for the negotiation so that we may get the results we want without ruining ourselves in turn.
However, it is highly unlikely that the Empire will start this ball rolling, so the Republic will have to roll that ball first. The unfortunate cold reality, however, is that the Empire will shut that door on the Republic. Why would they? The Republic’s economy is weaker, her military might can’t match that of the Golden Fleet’s and we are proving ourselves savages with all these revenge strikes by the more extreme elements from within the Republic’s borders.
But all of that can change. The Minmatar people host some of the most brilliant engineers and scientists and some of the most astute tacticians and strategiests in this cluster. The Minmatar spirit is strong and tenacious. However, all of that is being misdirected as fury and anger towards the Empire. That hasn’t helped. Forget the hate, forget the revenge, but remember the Minmatar people still trapped and chained within the Empire’s borders. Use that as the motivating drive behind the economic engines of the Republic to match that of the Federation’s. Use that to further modernise the Fleet, make her as advance as the Caldari Navy. Once the economy is strong enough to sustain a Fleet mighty enough to turn any incursions into Republic borders into a repeat of that ill-fated invasion into that Federation system, with enough to spare, the Republic can then turn to the next part of the agenda.
Once that is achieved, the Republic should not turn that might against the Empire, not right away at least. Do not attack the Imperial citizens. Do not seek vengeance. Eliminate all who trespass, destroy only those who dare try to take any more of our citizens but leave theirs’ alone. Show that we are not savages. Then we will start the negotiation ball rolling.
I do not expect the Empire to respond favourably right away. However, they will now know that the Republic is open for negotiations. Frustrate them enough, and they may even be tempted. They will have no excuse not to. We aren’t savages. We can be negotiated with. We are not weak. Our borders are bulwarks protected by a military that matches their own even in a stand-up brawl. And we can keep this up for as long as we damn well please. They will be forced to take the Republic as seriously as they take the Federation. They will take care not to provoke the Republic and push her too hard. Any form of open conflict will not come with a hypothetical steep cost at this point. That hypothetical cost is now a factual cost.
And if they still insist on being unreasonable, if they still refuse negotiation, the Republic then can afford to push the Empire and force that negotiation. However, as ever, stay away from vengeance. The Minmatar are not savages. We will only hurt them just enough to make them reconsider their position. And once they reconsider their course of action and show willingness to negotiate, we will be fair with them and open that door.
The Republic should be mighty in all ways.