Gee, it’s almost like they don’t do it where CONCORD’s watching*. The MIO knows about it. The Navy condones it—if not directly orders it. It’s clearly not against their laws, it’s just against the laws they claim to uphold. That claim is, evidently, a lie. This has been the Amarr MO for more than a thousand years: slaving and oppression, as long as they can get away with it. The only things that have ever stopped them are military force. Which is why it’s impossible to make any progress toward a lasting peace unless they can provide something we can trust as proof that they won’t just keep on doing it.
@Diana_Kim, heres a thought for ya, in every group, every tribe, every political block, house, corporation, nation in general, corruption in some form exists. There is examples for every group, its part of human nature. Slavery in the Empire is a lucrative business. Is it not plausable that illegal slavery exists? I’m not asking if you’ve seen it first hand, just if its in the realm of posibility knowing that every race has individuals who would willingly morally corrupt themselves to make an isk.
Now, I’m not asking you to suspend your belief or anything with my followup questions here, please just follow my train of thought. I have yet to see these Gallante POW bases. I have been in Black Rise for months. I still believe you and the others speaking out. Why? Its within the realm of possibility and I have heard numerous accounts of people coming across them, ect.
People have spoken out for years about Amarrian incursions into our space for the sole purpose of taking slaves. Given what I said in the first paragraph here, is it not, by human nature alone, within the realm of possibilities?
Oh, these are hidden bases, you won’t see them just flying around, but they are easy to find when you know what to look for. You just need probes and start search in any Black Rise high security system, you will find them very easily.
And no, I don’t deny this possibility, I was just saying about their law that they themselves do enforce. And I myself was helping MIO to enforce that law by exterminating illegal slavers according to Amarr legal system. Whomever do these slave raids are criminals in the Amarr Empire’s own legal system. If some of their Navy participates in violation of their own law? Well… we have holes in our own system, we aren’t ideal as well, so Im not going to do anything about Amarr internal problems, unless they will ask my help themselves.
Now, there is a difference between Empire and Federation in relation to these illegal activities. What does Empire do to illegal slavers? They burn them down (and that I confirm, as they were hiring me to do that part). And what does the Federation do? They build new bases to torture POWs.
The sheer scale of these military operations makes it virtually impossible for them to be independent action. If nothing else, the Imperial Navy would start asking hard questions about why they’re losing battleship flotillas deep in Republic space. These are conducted with the Navy and MIO’s knowledge.
I retract my previous calling of dibs. Turns out that Corraidhin Farsaidh isn’t a Sebiestor at all, but is in fact an Intaki, which I found out after looking his pilot licence up. He just looks like a Sebiestor, on account of the glasses and dreadlocks. The fact that he didn’t correct me on this, says a lot about his intentions ! Deceiving a virtuous maiden by pretending to be Minmatar when he is not. Shocking ! Absolutely shocking !
Ms Valate, I have never claimed to be Minmatar, and certainly never claimed to be one for the virtuous. I have mentioned my Intaki background in passing here many times and am proud of my heritage.
I you feel deceived in any way I can only apologize. Though my personal background may not fit with your preferences, my offer of cake and absynthe still stands.
I can rub some engine oil on and wave a roll of duct tape around if that helps? I tend to have one handy as it happens, and it might help you releplay a bit
Very well Commander Kim. I have a proposal to make. If you are prepared to drop militia briefly and come to Republic space you can fly with me as an observer when I pull one of these slaver interdiction jobs.
You might not consider the Amarrian ships involved something to be personally concerned over. But the first line attack craft tend to be Caldari Navy. I’d be happy to turn over any tags I pick up for you to use in tracing those involved and finding out if they are renegades.
The last time I made this offer was to Merdaneth, who took me up on it.
Theres worse out there, believe it or not. Maybe its communication difficulties or, i don’t know, something. I’ve never seen the benefit of not having civil communication channels with my enemies, no matter how disagreeable they can be, only makes our position stronger in the eyes of third parties. Would you support the raging lunatic or the calmer side?
I can doubt a claim, Ms. Vess, but I can’t deny without strong factual evidence on my hand. The only way for me to make a claim without hard evidence is to bet my life on this. And in this case, as I have said, I don’t know about Imperial operations, and I am definitely not going to bet my life on something I myself consider quite plausible.
I was only doubting and bringing up parts of information that I do know myself for sure, and I certainly didn’t want to look like I was denying it. I am sorry that I wasn’t clear enough with this part.
Mr. Ogunkoya, do you realize that even if I temporarily drop the militia I won’t drop my loyalty to Caldari State and Caldari Navy, and that I will immediately turn against you if you will have to fight Caldari Navy?
Respectfully, if a RF ship broke our laws it wouldn’t be a thought to gun their ship down and return their survivors to the proper authorities. The Caldari coddle their criminals? Such actions are a disgrace to your people, much like they would be to ours. That doesn’t seem right to me from what I’ve seen.
The Republic must be destroyed, we must stop recognizing Republicans as anything but the terrorists they are, and only recognize the Ammatar Mandate as being legitimately Minmatar. It’s not like cultural flavor is more important than actual religion, and, I mean, the true religion, not the weird things the Republicans do.
That is how the conflict will end. There will be no peace as long as the godless exist. When this conflict is over, another will begin. There will be war until the end of the time God has allotted for us to achieve his Perfection.
Lucky for us (the Matari, the Gallante, the Caldari, the cluster in general) you don’t speak for the Empire in any official standing. Though it should be remembered whos’ races lunatics speak of genocide of all people and not simply their peoples enemies.