Adapt, or gtfo

'kin a.

You should be posting with your main. :roll_eyes:


Because that’s the character you care about, which actually represents you.

ALTS are the coward’s way of speaking up.

I consider you insincere, dishonest and a coward.




What a silly thing to say/suggest/troll. I happen to be on my main right now but everyone’s opinion is valid despite their character rendering.

Can we please think a little deeper than this?

Everyone is allowed an opinion, whether it is an informed opinion is another matter.

Our logical deduction is that your other characters are even worse than this, since one naturally desires to put their best foot forward. We must also conclude that you are a coward, since you are hiding something (or at least, lying).


The character rendering has nothing to do with it. You’re exposing that you’re not understanding why I’m suggesting the other guy should be posting with his main. You don’t know what it means. The looks are irrelevant. What matter is the name the person is known best as!

Everyone can have alts. Many people will have alts that aren’t recognizable as such, while other will be. Most alts are support characters, compared to mains. A main is the one char someone sticks to. It’s the character that represents the person the most.

Post with your main instead of hiding behind an alt. Your opinion matters even less than it already does when people can’t even look at the history of the character, to find out if he’s actually legit and knowing.

That’s why it’s called hiding behind an alt. Like that one guy who keeps claiming he was a suicide ganker, while not ever providing any evidence for it, completely destroying any and all arguments he’s trying to make.

Or others who hide behind forum alts to be able to continuously spout nonsense, because they could never handle the legitimate, rightful backlash that would happen otherwise.

I can write far more about this.

I’m not the shallow thinker here.
You, on the other hand, reduce it all to the characters looks.

Congratulations. Dismissed.


That’s bad advice.

In this game if you say anything in the forums some groups don’t like, THEY WILL hound you in-game. Locator agents make that much easier.

As for posting with your main validates what you say, that’s garbage. Characters don’t have anything to say, it’s the person behind the characters.

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I repeat myself…opinion by anyone willing to take the time to compose a thought should be, and is welcome.

I’ve read enough of your posts to know that you have designated yourself as some type of policing authority on these forums. You are entitled to your opinion but stop telling others their opinion isn’t valid - its not constructive and you’re not [yet] a forum moderator.

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It’s only policing when there’s actually a force behind it.
You telling me to stop saying certain things
(which, again: don’t actually matter
makes you a hypocrite.

Fact of the matter is that none of our opinions matter,
no matter how delusional and full of imaginary self-importance you want to be about it.

Fact of the matter is that people …
… who deliberately hide the chars they’re mostly known with …
… *have something to hide, while plenty of others for some reason don’t.

So there’s another question: Why isn’t everyone hiding behind alts?
… because they’re not dishonest cowards who know they’re talking ■■■■■■■■?

It’s definitely important to make sure people know where opinions are coming from. How they’re formed. Why the person has these opinions. If the opinons are closer to experiences than just thought experiments or logical deduction. If the person has a verifyable history that makes it self evident that he really knows what he is talking about. Otherwise there’d be even more assholes around here who would keep talking about ■■■■ without a single sense for what they’re actually talking about.

Everyone should have their opinion. Everyone should also be aware of how to actually create an informed one. Some people choose to ignore that, with other people - like yourself - happily taking and defending their position.

Geee, I wonder why!


tl;dr I have no focus. :slight_smile:

I don’t care about you…does that make you feel any better?


Pathetic. I’m still out breaking the law and killing mooks.


You beg for attention.


You make it easy to cut this short.

So you admit that you’re not being authentic?
That you’re faking?

That there’s no reason to consider your words,
because they’re coming from an imaginary self that is not you,
but who you want to be?

Do you even understand this? Do you understand that you yourself admit that you’re not being authentic, that you’re pretending to be someone you aren’t, while most of us definitely just are who we are, because this isn’t the roleplaying part of the forum?

Us, actual people, compared to you: A fantasy?

We have plenty of such fantasies around already. Wannabe pseudo role players who project themselves into their character, to the point where they really identify with them and explode in rage as soon as their fantasy disney prince bubble is being popped.

People who do this usually have problems.
Such escapism is a problem, not a solution.

Or would you disagree with the thought that people,
who want others to believe that they’re someone else, are having problems?

No, this isn’t roleplaying. A roleplayer does not want to be someone else. He just wants to play a role. He doesn’t do that with people who are unaware of that fact. If he does, then he’s a shady person who can’t be trusted, because he hides himself.

A roleplayer doesn’t “roleplay” where others assume that it’s genuinely him. No.
He does it where other roleplayers are, because that’s what actually makes sense.

When I run around on the forums using Solecist posting silly things, then that’s “what Solecist does”. It’s not something Solstice does, because that’s not his character. Outside of posting playful things I don’t post in-character, at all, unless it’s in IGS or sparkled in as tiny flavour … but it never defines my posts.

If you wish to be brilliant and call me out for using an “alt”, well … I always hated alts. I’m -10 and I don’t use alts unless I really need to. Most of the time I don’t. I always ask people in local, residents, or whoever.

Right now there’s a new player cooking 100 Thrashers for me. I’ve spent at least 100 million ISK so far on new players sending them 5 million ISK for whatever great thing they did, or to encourage them to be brave.

It’s an MMO(RPG) and using an alt for things friends should be doing isn’t really in the spirit of the game. No, the fact that so many people are doing it doesn’t mean it is … and doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.

A “Solecism”, btw, is a mistake in speech or writing and an anagram of Solstice.

You don’t roleplay a villain.
If you did, you’d not be hiding behind an alt.
Instead you’d be proud of “who you are”.

And that, mate, you’re not.


Do you know what ranting is? :wink:


Man, I really struck the nerve spot on.

I’m not attaching interpretation to them.
It’s logic.

You yourself say that you wish to project a certain personality on this forum,
which automatically means that you’re not yourself here.
It means you’re not being authentic.

You’re not the real you, you’re some imaginary you.

You’re pretending to be someone else.

When you pretend to be someone else,
then you are not who you are.

Is this really so hard for you to grasp? There’s no opinion here, it’s a matter of fact. When you’re pretending to be someone else, then you’re not being authentic.

Why would you even bring that up, then. It’s misleading.
Besides, why would I consider something that is obviously not the case?

We are, in fact, enourmously different.
You believing otherwise is sad, for you, but not my problem.

No. I don’t suffer from the delusion others do. I am well aware that all this talk is completely irrelevant. For some reason many other people tend to disagree with this, saying that it matters because it can influence people, or CCP. It’s nonsense.

This forum is an echo chamber of two opposing sides and CCP doesn’t give a ■■■■ about the people around here … unless we riot, of course.

So you’re angry now, or what?
What does patience have to do with this?

At least, when you’re angry, you’ll be yourself instead of some fake persona you present us.

So … why would you not just be yourself,
instead of making us believe you are someone else?

You’re not really addressing this at all. It’s what our little conversation is actually about. You believe that it doesn’t matter if you hide behind an alt and I tell you it does. You don’t understand that, so I’ve tried to explain it a bit better for you.

Then you posted this silly rant of yours.

So … our little conversation boils down to:

Why do you want us to believe that you’re someone you’re not?

Seriously, we can cut this short by concentrating on just the above question. :blush:


Thank you for your time. :slight_smile:


Until you are brave enough to post with your ‘main’, nobody here will show any respect for you, or have any interest in anything you say. Nobody wants to chat with your alt.