Adapt, or gtfo

No. I don’t draw satisfaction from this like you would.

I just learn. To learn I have to ask questions,
deliberately cause certain reactions and then look at the results.

Aiko now is just trying to tease you, so you keep at this. :blush:


I guess this is the pvp I keep hearing about in this game. Verbal jousting by running down both ends of the spectrum


Who are you?

EDIT: whoever he is, he sure types mountains of text.

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the reason this going down hill is because most people are pus…i mean carebears.


I had to laugh.


I love newbies. God bless them.

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You sound like a narcissist and your posts are too long to read all the way.


I think you’re the kind of person that starts arguments in real life just to hear the sound of your voice.


What makes you think a mod would read any of these posts unless they are flagged?

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@Gowa_Hyasyoda these people will attack the messenger rather than the message when you refute their ideas and have a different viewpoint to theirs. They have not yet got to the mentally ill one with you, but I bet it is coming your way soon. They will also project their own issues on you and others, but keep posting, though I warn you that they are really boring as it ends up as a he said she said exchange on off topic personal attack bullshite…

As for this post with your main rubbish, this is my main and not one of them has crawled out of the gutter in game to come and wipe the floor with me. I have had one demand a 1v1 outside of my TZ, another ask for a ganking competition and another demand that I bump his freighter. :roll_eyes: Is that the in game consequences for having a different opinion, can we expect a knitting contest next?

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You should try to go to reddit. Oh, bring popcorn.

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I’ll go gank someone and tell them Dracvlad asked me to.

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I’m good, I try to keep the “well AcTuAlLy” down to a minimum in my daily life.

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If it helps you then feel free, makes no difference to me, the other day CODE pretended that I made a donation, made me laugh.

I think you pretty much sussed it out. o7

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That was funny. :blush:

I’ve challenged you twice? to come fight me.
You just twist ■■■■ to have excuses.
Always did so. With everyone.
Running a big mouth imagining you’re on some moral highground you invent in your head.

You are a liar.
That’s all there is to it.
It’s important for everyone to point out liars
to prevent people from falling for the lies.

We attack the messenger
because the messenger is an asshole.

Not attacking the messenger,
when he uses the idea “people shouldn’t attack the messenger” to his own advantage,
makes absolutely no sense. It’s dumb!

The only ones benefitting from not attacking assholes are exactly those assholes,
so it makes sense that you’re against it.

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Calm down ganker.

But this makes me laugh:

That is what you do, not what I do.

But what happened to you, you made a fun comment about saying that people would be ganked by you because of me and I replied with the CODE thing, I found both funny and then the next evening you read it again and you get all emotional and upset to post something like the above. Are you OK, did something happen, did you fail an easy gank?

You have as per normal taken that out of context, you see this was based on the consequence of someone posting with their main and the feeling that people will come after them for it, not some artificial contest that you decide you want to be able to easily do something, but you doing something in game to get back at me for daring to say something on the forums. Where are the consequences?

Mate, you’re still being challenged.

You think you know how it goes, but you don’t. You don’t want to know,
otherwise you’d be asking about it.

You don’t do that, because you don’t want to do this.

Artificial challenge my ass.
What a sad excuse.

Dancing around the fact that you refuse to accept any challenges
by literally anybody from this forum
is only making you believe that you’re succeeding with it.

Only you believe the things you think about you,
while literally everyone else knows that you’re a phony.

All you have is excuses.
Every single time.

The only reasonable and honourable thing is to stand up for yourself,
even though you know you’ll be getting your ass handed to you.

You deserve no respect.

Yes, exactly! The consequences! Where are the consequences for people like you? There are none, because you can just hide on the forums being a pompous ass carebear lieing through your teeth, with nothing ever backing up that pompous, self righteous, wannabe morally superior rear end.

Where are the consequences of your behaviour?

Someone who never has the balls to back up his pompous ass
deserves no respect at all and will be treated accordingly.

The biggest problem of your nacissistic, egomaniacal personality is that it’s incapable of thinking of the idea that you might be the cause for everything people throw back at you.



Consequences of my behaviour in game involve me scooping your loot and pinning your frozen corpse in the asteroid belt as a warning to other criminals not to mine what does not belong to them.

Praise James.